3 ways to keep your tires running longer
3 ways to keep your tires running longer

Tires are one of the core components of your vehicle and are the driving force, literally! The slightest damage in the tires can be deleterious. Damaged tires not only affect the drive but can also lead to a grave loss if not detected in time. The right and well-maintained set of tires ensure safety, provide better support when driving, and enhance fuel economy.

It is imperative to be vigilant about the condition and ensure that they are in the best condition. The entire vehicle is supported by the tires and thus they play an important role in ensuring the overall performance and well-being. Here are some of the steps to ensure that tires go a long way, in prime condition.

Regular tire pressure checks – An important task is that tire pressure checks must be regularly undertaken as they directly impact the car’s efficiency. When the tires are underinflated, they are at an increased risk of getting damaged or even popping when running over a sharp object. Moreover, the right pressure levels ensure that you enjoy a comfortable ride minus all the bumps. It is extremely simple to check on the tire pressure using an air hose and a tire gauge. Remember that tires must not be over-inflated too as this can be equally damaging.

Rotate once a year – Tires must be rotated to keep the tire wears even. This task involves swapping the front tires with the rear one at least once a year. The rear tires experience greater abuse, and this means that they wear out much faster than the front ones. Alternately, car tires can be rotated after every 7,000 miles or be very vigilant.

Go easy – Speeding down the roads is not only dangerous for the passengers but also does major harm to the tires. Like with most things you own, abusing tires will shorten the amount of time they will last. The constant stomping of breaks can cause the tires to wear off faster. Moreover, one must try and avoid objects that can cause possible harm to the tire. Even the smallest rock could hurt the tires if they are over or underinflated.

  • Bathroom showerheads – The ultimate sanitary essentials

    Nothing can step up your mood as much as the accessories in the bathroom. A bathroom is where one can have a relaxing shower to rejuvenate the body after a long, tiring day. Similarly, there is no better way to start the day than with a nice, good quality bathroom showerhead releasing water to freshen you up. While fixed bathroom showerheads relieve you from the hassles of handling the equipment, handheld ones allow you to fulfill different bath requirements. Bathroom showerheads that are movable but also capable of being mounted on a base are highly preferred by customers.

    A bathroom showerhead is an equipment that contains a nozzle for dispensing water in the form of a shower. For those of you who do not believe in a bucket bath and swear by the pleasure of taking a shower, bathroom shower heads are more than just dcor accessories. Apart from providing a sleek look, they are essential to enhance the functionality of the bathroom. Sometimes, a hose is attached to a shower head for extra convenience during bathing. Bathroom showerheads come in different shapes and designs to satisfy varying sanitary requirements.

    • Fixed bathroom showerheads These are the most common form of bathroom showerheads typically found in traditional bathrooms. They are connected to a water pipeline inside the wall just like a regular water tap but at a significant height. Some of them may also be affixed to a ceiling wherein the water falls directly on the head of the individual with the help of gravity. Fixed bathroom showerheads are easy to attach to the already existing plumbing arrangements and do not require much alteration in the hardware.
    • Handheld bathroom showerheads While handsets use a hose for additional maneuverability, they can also be made to sit on a fixed platform just like a fixed bathroom showerhead. These can be converted to any form on any given day to fulfill different needs and uses.
    • Shower panel A panel comprises of numerous showerheads that are strategically placed to spray water on different parts of the body. You will find a shower panel in large, modern bathrooms that boast of state-of-the-art accessories. While most of the bathroom showerheads are fixed on the wall, one or two of them might allow some movement.
    • Adjustable bathroom showerheads These are equipped with control options that provide adjustments in the pressure of water. Adjustable showerheads that come with various settings and options can be modified as per individual bathing demands.

    Before buying a bathroom showerhead, it is advisable to measure the dimensions of the bathroom. All big brands send their personnel to help prospective customers in this regard who then suggest the right equipment for a safe shower experience.

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  • How immunotherapy treatment helps in multiple myeloma

    Multiple myeloma is a life-threatening form of blood cancer that starts in the plasma cells of the blood. Myeloma cells accumulate in the bone marrow and slowly degenerate the kidneys and bones of the body. Also called plasma cell myeloma, it is not completely curable. Multiple myeloma is very challenging to treat and is the second most common cancer in the US.

    Diagnosis occurs when abnormal plasma cells are detected in the bone marrow, and treatment is worked out around controlling organ damage. Immunotherapy is a blanket term that describes various cancer treatment methods. Cancer treatment includes the following:

    • Chemotherapy
    • Stem cell transplantation
    • Radiation
    • Medications

    Immunotherapy helps in cancer treatment for multiple myeloma patients by focusing on three approaches:

    • Reversing tumor mediated immune paralysis: This is done using immunomodulatory drugs and by blocking inhibitory molecules or activating stimulatory molecules.
    • By stimulating myeloma specific immune responses: This is done using vaccines that work by stimulating an immune response against tumor specific antigen or substances that the body considers foreign.
    • Selectively eliminating the malignant clones: This is done by removing T-cells from the body, thereby genetically engineering and reintroducing them into the body. T-cells start multiplying and then locate and destroy the tumor cells.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Department recently approved two drugs for relapsed multiple myeloma treatment. One of the drugs is approved for patients who have already been treated with three therapies. It is a first in class immunotherapy treatment (a monoconal antibody) which works when the patient has become resistant to other treatments or when the disease spreads in a very short span of time. The other drug prods the immune system to attack cancer cells. It is for patients who have undergone one to three therapies earlier.

    Cancer treatment has potential side effects:

    • Infusion related reaction
    • Tiredness and difficulty in breathing
    • Back pain
    • Fever and nausea
    • Persistent cough
    • Low count of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

    Immunotherapy and precision medicine as cancer treatment options work for multiple myeloma patients. A better understanding of causes behind relapse and undertaking new therapies to overcome that resistance is the key to immunotherapy cancer treatment.

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  • Opioid for chronic pain

    One of the more common treatments for chronic pain is opioids. However, there are fears associated with addiction when one is prescribed opioids. If opioids are taken in the manner they are prescribed, chances of addiction are very low. Addiction only occurs when there are some predisposing factors involved. One of these predisposing factors is a family history or history of addiction. Not only substance abuse, but a history or family history of psychiatric illnesses also influence addiction. The American Pain Society defines addiction, tolerance and physical dependence as follows:

    • Addiction: Addiction is not just psychological. It is also genetic. Addiction is an unexplainable craving for something, which is called the abused substance, and a nonstop, compulsive use of it even when the person using it is harmed because of it. Along with genetic influence, the development and manifestation of any addictive behaviour are also caused by environmental influences. It’s a classic case of both nature and nurture playing a role in behaviour
    • Tolerance: Tolerance is what happens when one has had prolonged exposure to a drug. Because of prolonged exposure, the effect of the drug becomes less and less potent in the person taking it, until it ceases to have any effect at all.
    • Physical Dependence: This is manifested in the form of withdrawal symptoms when one stops using a drug abruptly, or when the dosage of the drug is rapidly reduced. An opioid antagonist when given to someone who is taking opioid manifests withdrawal symptoms which are a process of adaptation. It takes about a minimum of 6 hours to a maximum of 72 hours for withdrawal symptoms to go away. These symptoms include pain in the abdomen, nausea, throwing up or diarrhoea. These also occur if one stops taking opioid after a two-week usage. However, this is not a sign of addiction. It is the body adapting to the change.

    If prescribed opioids, ensure they are taken in an exact manner predicted. Should the pain continue even after taking opioids, do not increases the dosage without consulting your doctor first. If necessary, take long acting opioids as opposed to the short acting ones because these don’t give a euphoric sensation.

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  • What you should know about non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    There are over 200 different types of cancer. Each has its own name and has different treatment options. It is estimated that more than 72,000 patients of the United States will undergo non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) diagnosis in the year 2017. Some types of NHL spread very slowly and thus they might not require any non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment for some months or years. On the other hand, few types grow rapidly and hence require non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment soon after diagnosis.

    What is NHL?
    Just like other cancer types, NHL is a severe disease that affects the body cells. In non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, blood cells known as lymphocytes become abnormal. Such abnormal cells keep on dividing and growing, and the body is unable to control this phenomenon on its own. Slowly, a situation arises when the total number of lymphocytes increases and forms a lump known as tumor. Lymph nodes are one of the most common places for this to occur. But, NHL may affect any body part such as small intestine, stomach, skin, testicles, tonsils, etc.

    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma begins to spread from the originating place to the other parts of the person’s body. It may travel through the lymphatic system to some other lymph nodes as well through the bloodstream to organs like lungs, liver, etc. On reaching a new body part, such cancerous lymphocytes again start dividing and form another tumor. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment is used to treat patients with NHL based on the stage and type of lymphocytes.

    Causes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    Researchers, as well as physicians, are not aware of the exact cause of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The one known fact is that such a disease occurs when a person’s body grows excessive abnormal lymphocytes. Instead of dying, such cells keep on growing with further divisions. The lymph nodes become enlarged in this manner.

    Certain factors which might maximize NHL’s risk include exposure to chemicals like insect killers, consuming immune-suppressant drugs, etc.

    After diagnosis, a team of cancer care experts will discuss the non-Hodgkin lymphoma treatment options. You must think carefully and know the benefits and side effects of each treatment before choosing one.

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  • Factors to consider when buying air mattresses

    Air mattresses are inflatable sleeping pads that are great for maintaining a perfect posture. Certain facts should be kept in mind when the air mattress is being purchased. Keeping these in consideration, it will always be assured that the right kind of product is being used. If you are looking to purchase air mattress, here are a few things that you should know about.

    Comfort factor
    Comfort and support are the prime consideration when you are buying air mattresses. Always look for an air mattress that distributes the air evenly and does not have any lump or bubble formation. However, if you are looking for some extra comfort, an air mattress with internal air coil or chambers should be preferred.

    Height factor
    The height factor should also be kept in mind while choosing the air mattress. If the mattress is being put on the floor without any platform to elevate the same, the single height air mattress might make it difficult to get in and out of bed.

    On the other hand, an air mattress that is double the height is similar to a traditional bed, and it makes using the same comparatively easy, especially when elder people are using the air mattress.

    The warranty factor of air mattresses also matters. It is always a good idea to buy air mattresses which come with a warranty. Air mattress which has one year warranty both for bed and pump should be picked.

    Size of the air mattress
    Air mattresses come in standard mattress sizes, and it should be kept in mind that bigger air mattress will accommodate multiple people if space is a limitation in the home. However, the size of the room should also be kept in mind while purchasing the air mattress. The efforts can go futile in case the air mattress does not fit in the room. Having dimensions of the room or bed handy will help in choosing the most appropriate air mattress for the room.

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  • How to identify a bug bite

    Bug bites can be harmless but some of them can be infectious and pass on many diseases through the blood. Getting bitten by an insect can be a weird experience, especially when you’re not aware of it and you see a patch of skin becoming red or blue. By identifying insect bites, you can be assured whether they are really harmless or need medication.

    Let’s look at the different types of bug bites:

    Mosquito Bites
    Mosquito bites are characterized by circular or round skin bumps with an itchy red or pink hue. Parasite-infected mosquito bites can cause malaria and other diseases that can cause short-term flu or illness. Symptoms of parasitic mosquito bites are nausea, fever, vomiting, headache, and muscle aches. These can last for anywhere between 10 days to 4 weeks and are often treatable.

    Bed Bug Bites
    These form rows of red dots or marks on your skin and are usually located near the neck, face, or hands. Bed bug bites can’t be felt since they are delicate and are characterized by itching following by raised red skin bumps. Allergic reactions to the skin may occur and may require a visit to the dermatology department. Identifying insect bites like bed bug bites can help you take preventive measures while sleeping. They do not carry any disease.

    Spider Bites
    You can learn to identify insect bites such as spider bites by red inflamed skin near the affected area followed by pain. These are not poisonous; however, if you have problems breathing, experience chest pain or have difficulty in swallowing food and liquids, then it’s time to get checked. Insect bites from spiders like the black widow and brown recluse require immediate medical care and are characterized by puncture wounds on the skin. These require emergency medical attention.

    Learning the ways to identify insect bites listed above can help you avoid pain and also know the difference between a harmless bite versus something that requires instant atention. Wearing proper clothing or spraying your clothes with a bit of organic bug repellent may serve as effective countermeasures for future bug bites.

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  • Use these measures to protect yourself from pollen allergy

    Pollen allergies are caused due to unclean and damp surroundings, change in weather and unhygienic personal practices. Here are a couple of pollen allergy remedies to combat pollen allergy:

    • Make sure that you suffer from allergic symptoms and not any other disease.
      If you have a cold that exacerbates when you spend time outdoors, you may have an allergy. A runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion that happens after a walk or jogs outdoors, without any fever or flu, are all signs of allergy and not a virus. Make sure you know what you seek medication for.
    • Look for medical options
      There is a range of pollen allergy remedies. You can use decongestants, antihistamines, and other medications that are available over the counter. You may want to check which medicines subside your allergies against pollen and dust. Consult a doctor if your allergy is chronic.
    • Change workout timings and location
      Early mornings and midday are timings when the air has a high pollen count. You can either change your workout timings to evenings or take your workout indoors if you suffer from pollen allergy.
    • Protect yourself
      Wear gloves and masks if you are working outdoors in your lawn or other places that may have a high pollen count. Do not step out of the house without a hat and sunglasses, as they will protect you from any allergic reactions to pollen and dust.
    • Clean your home ventilation
      If you are allergic to pollen, keep your windows shut to avoid any allergic symptoms. If your potential source of allergy originates indoors, make sure you ventilate your homes regularly. Keep air-conditioning shafts, window vents, etc. clean. Keeping the corners of your house clean ensures a pollen-free atmosphere and zero allergies.
    • Pay attention to your diet
      Make sure you know the food items that exacerbate pollen allergy. Consult your doctor or a dietician, who will guide which foods you should include in your diet to inhibit pollen allergies, and which foods you should avoid.
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  • 5 most reliable appliance brands

    The advantage of being a part of the 21st century is that we have an access to all the great innovations that are designed to save our precious time. Home appliances are those devices that have made themselves indispensable to the modern-day individual’s life. These are the basic necessity of every home. We would have to buy appliances at some point in time irrespective of whether it is new or second-hand. While buying appliances there are plenty of things we have to keep in mind like the brand, performance, features, looks, reliability, price, etc.

    When it comes to features, we might compromise with some of them because of the budget. But when it comes to brands, we want them to be reliable. No one wants to buy appliances from a brand that doesn’t make reliable appliances. There are so many appliance stores that sell great appliances which are affordable and reliable.

    If you are someone who wants to buy appliances but are confused about all the existing brands in the market, and which brand will be reliable and affordable, then here is a list of brands that make the most reliable appliances and have amazing designs.

    Whirlpool Corporation is a home appliance company and it also ranks number one as a major appliance manufacturer in the world. The annual sales revenue of Whirlpool is USD 21 billion. With 70 manufacturing and research centers, it comes under the most famous appliance brands in the industry. It also ranks high when it comes to the reliability of its bottom-freezers, top-freezers, and side-by-side refrigerators. The dishwashers by Whirlpool are also reliable and highly functional.

    LG Electronics is an electronics company and is one of the leading brands for producing flat-screen televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines. The global sales revenue of LG in 2014 was USD 55.91 billion. It is famous for its innovative technology, cutting-edge designs, and unique products. LG is known for producing the best refrigerators from a long period of time. They consume less power and are durable which leads to a longer lifespan of the refrigerator.

    Samsung is a South Korean multinational company famous for its electronics. It keeps updating its products regularly and has a lot of models to choose from in each category. Samsung is known for its innovations, style, and designs. It has customer-friendly service which makes it a good brand among customers. Even though Samsung is best known for smartphones, its home appliances are also reliable and affordable. If you are looking to buy Samsung appliances you can buy them from a Samsung appliance store near you.

    Maytag is an American home appliance brand owned by Whirlpool Corporation. It was founded in the year 1893 and its main aim is to provide dependability to the people. It also aims at providing the best technology, design, and service to its customers. The Maytag appliances are durable and reliable. Their home, laundry, and kitchen appliances offer dependability. Maytag also offers 10 years of warranty on every appliance. If you are looking to buy Maytag appliances then you may go to the nearest Maytag appliance store.

    KitchenAid is the most reliable, recognized, and trusted home appliance brand. It is owned by Whirlpool Corporation. KitchenAid produces some high-end appliances and refrigerators. Their range of two ovens was a trendsetter. They create high-performance appliances with versatile technology. KitchenAid is also among the most affordable and durable appliance brands in the market. They are known for their iconic stand mixers. Their appliances have the best designs, style, and technology.

    These were some of the most reliable appliance brands that are affordable as well. They offer the best technology and design which will make your home look perfect.

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