4 benefits of landline phone services
4 benefits of landline phone services

Landline phone services can be useful in emergencies and in general. If you’ve been tempted to join the mobile only movement, you would have found that there’s more than what meets the eye where landline phone services are concerned. From 911 calls during natural disasters to accurate location tracking to good transmission quality, landline phone services provide many perks which go unnoticed by most users. If you need a reason for keeping your landline phone services or you’re considering installing a new landline phone, read on to find the benefits. The top four benefits of landline phone services include the following.

  • Accurate locations: GPS tracking can identify your location but can’t say which floor you’re on. It relies mostly on satellite data. Hence if the information is incorrect or the location is inaccurate, then emergency services might miss out on you. This can pose a problem during natural disasters. A landline phone service, however, routes your location directly to 911. It lets the caller know your location and floor as well. High altitude buildings can benefit from landline phones.
  • Better voice quality: Unlike cell phones which will switch off during power outages or give a poor reception during certain weather conditions, a landline phone will never compromise on voice quality. You will always be able to get crystal clear audio reception. This will benefit those who have a hearing problem. Additionally, landline phones work during power outages as long as the cord connects to the other landline or to a VOIP service with battery backup.
  • Improved cell phone reception: If you have a cordless phone service, you can place your cell phone near the base of it to improve signal reception. This in turn will enhance the voice quality of your cell phone reception. Additionally, you obtain access to your wireless service with Bluetooth technology. This will let you make wireless calls to other services using cordless phones.
  • Affordable rates: The best reason to keep your landline phone service or to get a new one is that landlines are much more affordable than cell phone services. Cordless phones tend to have longer battery life in comparison to cell phones while wired landline phones have no caps on the call duration or battery life. Most landline phone services offer free local calls and the setup for the hardware and equipment is a lot cheaper when compared to cell phone services. There is also no fear of disconnection due to power outages.

Comfort is another factor to consider. You can easily pick up your landline phone and nestle it between your head and shoulders and go hands free. Also cordless phones are wireless and come with various tech features such as backlit displays, caller ID displays, storing call logs, etc. Technically, they are more convenient than cell phone services. Hence it can be clearly seen that the advantages of landline phones far outweigh that of mobiles and you should opt for landline phones.

  • 4 effective treatments for heel spur relief

    A heel spur is a bone growth that develops on the heel bone, specifically on the underside of the bone. It happens due to calcium deposit that causes a bony protrusion of nearly half-inch to develop on the heel bone. The calcium deposition occurs gradually over months. An extreme, persistent strain on the ligaments and foot muscles, repeated instances of heel bone membrane tearing, and plantar fascia stretching are some of the common causes of heel spur. Also known as help spur syndrome, the condition is detected and diagnosed based on X-ray test results.

    Painless, heel spurs are often associated with plantar fasciitis. Heel spur relief treatment options include cortisone injections, anti-inflammatory medications, exercise, customized orthotics and so on. In certain cases, surgery may be required. Here are a few effective treatments for help spur relief:

    • Stretching exercises: If the heel pain persists for more than a pain, consult a physiotherapist. The therapist will recommend a set of stretching exercises that will help to provide heel spur relief by alleviating the pain. The goal of such physical therapy is to treat and give relief from plantar fasciitis, which aggravates the symptoms of heel spur.
    • Orthotics and shoe recommendations: Orthotic devices are used to correct biomechanical imbalances that cause arch and heel pain. The devices such as heel cushions, heel pads, insoles, shoe inserts, and special orthotic shoes give relief from the excess pressure exerted on heels and the Achilles tendon. Such devices also control additional movements that put a strain on the plantar fasciitis ligament. Special shoes help to alleviate the effects on inflammation on the tendons and muscles of the heel.
    • Anti-inflammation medications: Most often heel spur is caused due to plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis occurs due to inflammation of the plantar fascia that is located at the bottom of the foot. Popular over-the-counter medications such as naproxen, acetaminophen, and acetaminophen are often used to get heel spur relief. It is recommended that a doctor is consulted before taking any medications. Doctors may also suggest cortisone injections to alleviate the symptoms of pain.
    • Surgery: When none of the non-invasive heel spur treatments work, doctors may recommend surgery. Surgery is done in only 10% of the cases since most people get heel spur relief from conservative treatments. Surgeries are done to release stress from the plantar fascia or to remove the spur. Post surgery, a person may be required to use surgical shoes, crutches, bandages, splints, and so on.
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  • The basics of the post menopause stage

    Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. During the years of transition the woman suffers symptoms like hot flashes, redness of skin, anxiety etc. Most of these symptoms fade off in a year or two. With the topsy-turvy menstrual patterns, it is extremely difficult to ascertain the exact date of ovulation and plan sex. It is easy to conceive in this milieu. This, if not exactly dangerous, is undesired as babies conceived during the transitional period run a very high risk of abnormalities like Down’s syndrome and many physical defects.

    With the resetting of hormones at new levels, it is not uncommon to develop lingering chronic conditions. The conditions that linger on into post menopause are vaginal dryness and itching, vaginal discharge, insomnia, weight gain, stress incontinence and urinary infections. One becomes more susceptible to more serious ailments. There is increased chances of some major ailments such as heart diseases and osteoporosis.

    Osteoporosis: Estrogen, a female hormone, has a beneficial effect on preserving the bone mass in women. Post menopause, the levels of this hormone come down, which results in loss of bone material. A systematic physical activity, like regular walking etc. helps control the loss of bone mass. A lot of conventional medications are available for treatment in severe cases.

    Heart diseases: There is a theory that tendencies for atherosclerosis increases post menopause due the decreased estrogen levels. This is contested. However, there are increased tendencies for other heart diseases like myocardial infarct and other conditions. Conventional management practices like controlling hypertension, cholesterol with statins, lifestyle changes etc. are generally adequate. At one time MHT or menopausal hormone therapy was standard. Later research has revealed serious drawback to it. It is now resorted to only in extreme cases.
    Regular exercise, and balanced diet are all that is needed in most cases.

    One need not develop a notion postmenopausal life is all a misery. There are a lot of positives to take. Set up a regular exercise regime like walking, indulge in a happy social life, eat a balanced diet and visit your healthcare provider regularly. There is enough evidence to support an active sex life is good for health in many ways. One has fulfilled all their responsibilities and no fear of a pregnancy. There are enough and more choices in the market to counter postmenopausal dryness of vagina. There are no reasons for anyone to have restrict their sex life. It is one of the blessings of menopause.

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  • Choose a Dr. Scholl shoe today

    Dr. Scholl is considered to be the leader in making shoes for people who want their feet to be comfortable. The company started with the manufacturing of sandals that are good for feet. These days, the fashionable sandals are also regarded as must have accessories. More of these sandals are being adopted by the stylish and glamorous. People across the world have developed a liking for these shoes. There are real benefits to the Dr. Scholl shoes, which has helped them become popular with the masses.

    Fashionably Healthy
    Exercise sandals from Dr. Scholl offer a number of advantages. It seems to be the go-to choice of many chiropodists and reflexologists. Women who choose to cram their feet into pointed shoes invariably complain of bunions and corns.

    Dr. Scholl shoes offer a wide range of foot-friendly shoes for women. It is important to understand that regular fashionable sandals with high heels hinders your feet. The tendons, muscles, and ligaments of the feet, as well as those of the legs, are all affected adversely. Wear fashionable, yet effective, shoes from Dr. Scholl to help your feet function well.

    Dr. Scholl Knows Feet
    Did you know that the human feet have 33 joints, 26 bones, and over 100 tendons and ligaments? Dr. Scholl shoes are designed in a way that compliments the mechanism of the feet. The shoes from Dr. Scholl work in a way that protects the hips, knees, and back. An average individual walks about 115,000 miles in his/her entire lifetime and the the construction of the legs helps in protecting it. Dr. Scholls shoes simply aids in smoothing the functionalities of the human feet so that you can walk, run, and workout effortlessly.

    Replace Ill-fitting Footwear With Dr. Scholl Shoes
    Only a small percentage of individuals understand the importance of their feet’s health. Most realize this only after they have seriously damaged it. The feet is the foremost point of contact with the ground and they act as shock-absorbers.

    When you cram your feet into ill-fitting shoes, you simply limit its ability to function. Any footwear that contributes to the restriction of movement of the foot muscles reduces the blood flow to them. This is usually accompanied by loss of nerve stimulation. When you are not letting your feet perform the way it was designed, it will cause a domino effect to other parts of the body.

    With Dr. Scholl shoes, you can rest assured that your feet are protected no matter how much you run or walk.

    Many people think that shoes from a company who’s main aim is to protect feet will definitely look ugly. This is absolutely wrong in the case of Dr. Scholl shoes. You can choose amongst different styles and designs to make sure that the shoes match your outfits. They are made of high-grade materials using state-of-the-art technology. They will last for many years even with regular usage.

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  • Things You Must Know About Residential Garage Doors

    The practicality of using the garage doors is mainly to get the utmost level of security from theft or other risk factors. However, choosing the right garage door needs more attention as it occupies more than 25% of the frontal part of the house. While buying the garage doors, you need to pay close attention to get the best that actually can align with the outlook of the entire house.

    Factors to keep in mind before buying a garage door

    There are several factors related to the purchase of garage door and all of them need to be evaluated before buying.

    • To check its longevity and durability, know what kind of material is used in its making. Aluminum, stainless steel, and fiberglass are the usual components that the renowned manufacturers including Amarr, Clopay, Overhead Door and Wayne Dalton Garage Doors
    • People can go for the aluminum garage doors as they are capable of resisting corrosion. Additionally, for durability, the users can choose to go with fiberglass but the doors can crack in the extremely cold temperature
    • In order to get a special appearance, buyers can choose wooden doors. However, in terms of durability, the wooden garage doors are not a great option
    • Cost-effectiveness is one of the most crucial factors that matter to the purchase of garage doors. People need to look for the doors that offer a multitude of features used with standard technology at the lowest price. For quality doors, they can contact Direct Garage Doors, DoorsOn-Line, and Lowes
    • You can enquire the manufacturer to provide detailed information on what level of security you can expect from the doors. Additionally, ask the manufacturer whether it has the rolling-code technology that changes the security code every time it is opened
    • Ask about the warranty period of the doors and acquire full knowledge of what kind of damages are to be covered in the warranty period
    • Understand all the controls of the remote control of the garage door

    Maintenance of the garage doors

    Every buyer should go through the manual provided with the product to understand what kind of maintenance procedure should be taken to make it last longer. Maintaining garage doors is a challenge, hence make sure you every detail to keep it functioning all through the years.

    Cleaning the garage doors

    If you want to prevent rust which can be generated from the foreign matter, you need to clean the doors two times a year. However, people living in coastal areas need to clean the doors four times in a year.

    • The frequency of cleaning door can be changed with the change in weather conditions
    • You can use a mild detergent with water to clean the doors
    • Wiping and rinsing should be the prime methods of cleaning
    • People need to clean the back of the stop molding and top portion of the door as well

    Yearly maintenance

    Taking up maintenance agenda on yearly basis is enough for the garage doors as the entire task is very time-consuming. You can start with these procedures first,

    • You need to lubricate the components of the door with a lightweight household oil
    • One of the vital things that need to keep in mind at the time of maintenance that there should not be more than one hinge to be removed at a time
    • If there is any screw or bolts missing or found to be loose, you will need to replace or straightened them to minimize the security risks
    • If there are torsion springs, the spring assembly can be adjusted with the help of professionals or trained mechanics
    • The usual scuffs or usual scratches are never covered by the warranty. Additionally, people living in the coastal area need to use mild dishwashing detergent to get the best result while cleaning
    • Thoroughly check the door to identify whether there are any bent or loose hinges. If it is found to be loose, you can tighten them using household appliance. Additionally, the bent hinges need to be straightened or replaced by calling the experts immediately
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  • Pros and cons of being a part of small businesses

    There is a huge demand for small scale industries and businesses as they have made a huge impact on the development and growth of individual citizens and economies as a whole. It took the market approximately half a century to understand and properly execute the ideal that lies behind small businesses. Over this period, the stalwarts form the market learnt from the best of happenings and the worst of coincidences. The phrase which emphasizes on the importance of experience in knowing something better is applied here. From the range of good and bad experiences, the market has seen in the world of small industries it has modulated its moves and approaches and made themselves the absolute best in the market.

    There has been much discussion and debate in relation to the best of changes that small businesses have brought in the world around us; however, it’s is crucial for bystanders to understand the areas in which small businesses might not be the best option on the table, knowing the pros and cons has and will always help an individual to take the right move with an almost accurate measurement of step.

    By understanding, small business are business undertakings that involve small investments, small range if services and products, small foot span, small term plans for expansion, and most of the times smaller risks. To list out a few, these are the visible pros that one can squeeze out from the span of time small businesses have been a reality.

    To elucidate more, small business and the successful stories that are often found on the front pages of business publications give a daunting example of what best can be achieved from small plans made keeping in mind small investments. This wave immediately destroyed the myth that starting any form of business always needed huge investments and even bigger plans. This uproar gave a huge impetus and significant inspiration to young minds who wanted to risk in the most unconventional of ways. The growth of small industries meant that each of these companies born as a result of the small businesses boom needed man power and expert force to drive them to profitability. This created a huge demand of jobs which, the requirement of which was easy to meet and commoners were eager to put their feet down on unfamiliar and exciting grounds.

    While momentarily shifting focus to the lesser known cons of small businesses, it does not take long for one to comprehend that the pros over weigh the cons any day at any point of time. From one point of view, risk factors may be less when seen from an investors point of view; however, when seen from the perspective of an individual who is risking his well-built resume to try something new, he or she can never be sure how bankable the enterprise is where they are joining. It is not always that all these business ventures reach success, if the conclusion is anything otherwise, it ends up in a disappointment and a career-wise waste of time and experience.

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  • Safe retirement investments only for you

    Are you on the verge of retiring? Then you must start thinking about your post-retirement investments. You must look for safe investments that will give you a good annual return. It is not possible nowadays to get 5% to 7% ROI. But there are many safe places to invest.

    To find out safe places you need to know the type of investments that provide the protection of principals- FDIC insured money market accounts, savings accounts, and short term CDs. You will get around annual yields of 1% or so if you look for the highest paying accounts.

    You may go to those high-yield checking accounts, who make you jump through lots of hoops like doing a fixed number of transaction every month. Here you may look for a little more, like 1.5% return. Most of the times they limit the amount $25,000 or less, on which they will pay their highest rate.

    You can go to a longer time CD. There you may get around 2% returning. But Financial Industry Regulatory Authority alerts advice to be very careful about the pitches for high yielding CDs. They can even drag you towards several other retirement investment plans.

    All these accounts will help your money to grow fast but tax-free. You need to pay the tax only when you take out the money from your account and close it. Though this does not happen with Roth IRAs. Here no tax is due at the withdrawal of the money. If you take out the money before reaching the age of 59 and a half, mostly you will need to pay a 10% penalty added to the regular income tax.

    The Internal Revenue Service has their own complicated rules and regulations for different types of retirement accounts. There are certain tax breaks which are only available to those people having a certain amount of income. So you need to check the IRS website very well for details or go to your account.

    If you are doing a thorough retirement investment planning, then keep this information handy!

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  • Top CDMA Phones

    With the arrival of high-performance smartphones on a constant basis, it is hard for one to decide which one to purchase. Here’s a list of the best CDMA phones in the market that you can get your hands on.

    • Samsung Galaxy Note 8
      Samsung has made its way to the top by creating the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, its best CDMA phone till date. The ultimate Android phone, this is the best CDMA phone which is giving stiff competition to all the phone makers. Priced at about $950, this phone will carve a niche for itself.
    • Sharp Aquos S2
      Sharp Aquos S2 has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 processor and a dual camera. With a 5.5 inch display, this phone has a fingerprint scanner and an 8MP front camera. This phone is priced at about $399.00 and has a strong processor with plenty of RAM.
    • Motorola Moto E4
      One of the most affordable phones created by Motorola, this is the best CDMA phone that is splash resilient and comes with an Android Nougat, a fingerprint reader, a removable battery, and selfie flash for Snapchat lovers. This phone is priced at about $130.
    • Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus
      People who want the best CDMA phone that is not only prettier but also has a large screen, this phone is best for you. Along with a fingerprint reader, this Samsung model is another good CDMA phone for all mobile lovers. It is priced at about $850.
    • Google Pixel
      The Google Pixel is a good iPhone alternative and has an excellent camera. This phone by Google has been elegantly designed and is splash resilient. Along with straight-up usability, this is the best CDMA phone when it comes to beauty and speed. This CDMA phone is priced at about $649.
    • Google Pixel XL
      A notch higher than the Pixel, the Pixel XL is the best CDMA phone that has a good camera, excellent display, and quality performance. Having a deep consolidation with Google’s new Assistant software, this phone is quite expensive and is priced at about $769.00
    • Motorola Moto Z Play
      This is the most affordable CDMA phone that works quite well with swappable modular accessories and has a battery that refuses to die. Integrated with the quirky Moto Mod feature, this is an excellent mid-range CDMA phone that is priced at about $408.
    • Apple iPhone 7 Plus
      This CDMA phone has been excellently designed. Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus is super fast and has dual rear cameras with 2x optical zoom. With improved battery, Apple iPhone 7 Plus is water resistant and has better storage option. This phone is priced at about $319.00
    • LG K8 V
      Priced at about $144, this is the best CDMA phone with Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Having removable battery, this model by LG has an 8-megapixel rear camera and 4-megapixel front camera. With an in-built 1.3 GHz Snapdragon quad-core processor, this LG model has internal storage space of 16 GB and a micro SD card slot for expansion that allows storage up to 128 GB.
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  • Technical specifications of the Lexus RX 350

    The Lexus RX 350 is a luxury five-passenger luxury utility vehicle which features a welded steel unibody design. It is one of the latest models in the luxury crossover market with two distinct variants, the Lexus RX 350 priced at $43,000 and RX 350 F Sport priced at $49,000 for the base models with either a front wheel drive or all-wheel drive option.

    Featured technical specifications include:

    Engine: The RX 350 boasts a 3.5L V6 engine pumping out 295 horsepower with a four-cam and four-valve cylinder VVT-i (Variable Valve Timing with intelligence) engine. The compression ratio of the V6 is set at 11.8:1 with a maximum torque of 268 lb/ft at 4700 rpm. It is this powerhouse that propels the Lexus RX 350 from 0 to 60 mph in less than 8 seconds with a top speed clocked at 124 mph on the tracks. All this and the Lexus still manages a decent ultra-low emission rating making it an environment-friendly vehicle. When it comes to mileage, the RX 350 has maintained 20 miles per gallon in the city with 27 on the highway, a combined average total of 23 mpg.

    Drivetrain: To handle the massive powerhouse of the Lexus RX 350, the drivetrain features an eight-speed automatic transmission which is electronically controlled by the front wheel drive and all-wheel drive variants.

    Suspension: The main chassis sits on independent MacPherson strut suspension with coil springs and gas-pressurized shock absorbers supported by a stabilizer bar. The rear suspension features independent double wishbone coil springs along with the shock absorbers and stabilizer bar. This ensures a smooth and comfortable ride with 18 inches seven-spoke alloy wheels sporting all season tires suited for multiple driving conditions.

    Handling: The Lexus RX 350 has an electronic power steering system and an advanced four-wheel power braking system that features power-assisted sensor discs, anti-lock braking system (ABS), electronic brakeforce distribution (EBD) and brake assist.

    Overall features: Ambient lighting and handcrafted trim options with cutting edge technology and safety features provide a smooth yet stylish ride. The entertainment system features premium installations from a Mark Levinson Audio console to dual screens in the back. A fully colored multimedia display with panoramic view monitors allows you to get a full 360 view of your surroundings with the top of the digital line console. Most importantly, the Lexus RX 350 comes with a comprehensive security system in place.

    Popular variants: The specifications will vary slightly for the different variants of the Lexus RX 350 which include styles like the RX 350 FWD (Front Wheel Drive) and AWD (All Wheel Drive), RX 350 Sport FWD and AWD.

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