How to choose a great designer handbag?
How to choose a great designer handbag?

We’ve always wanted to buy that designer handbag we’ve dreamed about. Whatever your budget, splurging on the right designer handbag can add a touch of glam to your spirit (and handbag collection!)

Whether you’re planning to go for a brand’s signature style or opt for the classic retro of your favorite fashion brand, we have some tips for you. Whatever your budget size may be, read on.

From totes and clutches to messenger bags, here’s our definitive guide towards buying a better designer handbag.

Do your homework: While it’s lovely to go on a shopping spree, doing your homework and stopping for a minute thinking why you want a designer handbag can give you the answers you need. Are you looking for the latest trend or some of the best classics the industry offers? This boils down to personal taste, which is important to every individual. Think about what qualities makes your personality define you. Are you a top-of-the-game fashionista or a lover of the classics with a touch of finesse and royal appeal?

Decide on function: Choosing a beautiful handbag is a good move but the better question is – how often will you use it? If you need a handbag to carry minimal essentials every day for brief periods of time, getting a clutch may be better suited to the task. If you love trotting around on your feet all day long, getting a cross body handbag can be useful. Base your handbag type on how you will be using. How many items will you pour into it? When and where will you use it the most?

Pick your handbag: Now that you’ve decided on your budget and handbag type, it’s finally time to pick one! For tote lovers, you can even get an open tote with magnetic closure. More so important than just buying a handbag on a whim, is actually trying it out and seeing how it feels. Try swinging over the shoulder strap and walking around a bit. Will it fit all your essentials? Check out the handbag inside out and see what fabric and materials it is composed of. A good handbag looks just as good on the inside as it does on the outside. Finally, if you feel comfortable with the handbag and it looks good on, chances are, it’s the right one.

  • Cancer symptoms that you should be aware of

    The word ‘cancer’ can put you in a state of shock, as it has become one of the most frightening health conditions in the recent decades. The number of cancer patients is on a rise in many countries of the world, including the United States.

    Cancer is a name given to a wide range of health conditions in which some of the body cells grow abnormally. It can occur in any part of the body, although some of the cancers are more common. It may not show up early symptoms. However, if you are vigilant about the changes that the body goes through, the chances of detecting cancer in its early stages are higher.

    Knowing the early signs and symptoms of cancer can keep you stay hale and hearty. Cancer treatment options are much advanced these days and early detection can save your life. Read the major cancer symptoms here.

    Signs and symptoms
    The signs and symptoms of the condition depend on the part of the body where it occurs. The common signs of cancer that you should be aware are listed below.

    However, you should visit the doctor only when one or more symptoms continue for a longer period without any reason.

    • Fatigue and weakness
    • Frequent fever, which is often a sign of blood cancer. It can occur frequently at night accompanied with night sweats.
    • Weight loss due to no cause-This can occur in cases of cancer relating to digestive system.
    • Unexpected weight gain
    • Pain without any reason- Head ache, body pain, joint pains, pain in the bones, back pain etc has to be monitored.
    • Changes in the skin- Rashes on the skin, yellowish tint on the skin, hyper pigmentation, redness etc. can sometimes hinting about cancer
    • Change in the bowel habits that continues for a longer period
    • A sense of thickening feeling under the skin in any part of the body
    • Discomfort or irritable bowel after eating
    • Presence of blood in the stool or urine
    • Difficulty in swallowing food
    • Coughing blood
    • Soreness or wound that do not heal for a longer time
    • White patches or spots in tongue or mouth

    Signs that women should not ignore

    Although the female body goes through different changes in the life cycle, there are certain signs that should never be ignored. Cancer in the female reproductive organs can be cured if diagnosed in the early stages. Keep in mind these symptoms:

    • Discharge from the nipples
    • Swelling or soreness in the breast
    • A change in the shape of nipple
    • Redness or difference in skin in the breast area
    • Changes in the skin
    • Unusual bleeding between menstrual periods
    • Heavy bleeding or abnormally painful periods
    • Swelling, fullness or heaviness in the abdomen
    • Bleeding after menopause
    • Chronic chest pain
    • Shortness of breath
    • Swelling in the lymph nodes
    • Bloating or pain in the abdominal region
    • Bleeding in the urine or stool

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  • Choosing the best cell phone plans

    Previously, choosing the best cell phone service plans used to be an easy task – just call up the operator, and you’re good to go. However, with the passage of time, the best mobile plans became complicated due to increased customer engagement and specifications. In the days of unlimited data mobile plans, it is difficult to shop cell phone plans that do not offer comprehensive services.

    What can the user do to pick the best cell phone plan deals?
    The first step is to choose the right wireless phone plan and select from the wide variety of shared data plans, leases, installment plans, etc.

    The phone carriers nowadays offer many cell phone unlimited plans that can seem overwhelming at first. But with a little research, you can find a plan that works best for your requirements and budget. It is important to spend time researching and analyzing the plans offered by various competitors since this research can go a long way in helping you choose a plan that works out best for you. Equip yourself with a calculator, pen, and paper and gain a better idea of which telephone service and cell phone carrier provides the best mobile plans.

    Any one with a little experience will tell you that most phone companies and their carriers do not have straight forward cell phone plans for their customers. There are always clauses and add ons that make it impossible to spot a simple plan. Not to mention the many top ups that come along with it. Some of the many aspects of not keeping plan simple include contract based subsidies, endless data bucket options, device access charges, and more options that come with advertised plans. It is also true that the fancy landing page with the attractive offers and great discounted deals is seldom the real deal. Click on a good deal, and there will be additional costs and charges applied by the time you reach the final payment page.

    Choosing the best cell phone plans thus involves scrutiny of all plans and the top ups across all carriers.

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  • Buying the best clothing for your baby boy

    In between feeding your baby, changing his clothes and soothing him when he cries, the last thing you want is to worry about the baby’s clothing. Baby clothing can be abrasive to your boy’s delicate skin if chosen incorrectly. Shopping for baby clothing can be quite daunting, particularly for new parents

    Choosing clothes for baby boys is not just about buying any clothes that come in shades of blue. Various other factors are in play. These are some of the most important factors to consider.

    Know how size varies
    Sizing for the clothes of a baby boy can vary from one company to another, just like adults. You should buy clothes that you think will fit your baby rather than going for the size that claims to fit your baby. Check to see if they have a chart available, especially if you are buying online.

    Buy in small numbers
    Your little boy will grow fast and if you have a lot of clothing for a particular size, it will be wasted. This tip also applies to baby boys that are not born yet. Let your friends know that you want limited clothing gifts for your baby at your baby shower.

    When you are not able to decide the size
    When in doubt, go with the larger one. Babies, be it a girl or a boy tend to go overnight. You are always free to roll up the sleeves or tuck in the large t-shirts between growth spurts.

    Opt for soft fabrics
    Newborn babies have very sensitive skin. According to most experts, cotton clothes are best for babies although soft cotton blends also work well. If budget is not a constraint for you, then you can go for organic cotton which is softer than either of the two. Sometimes, baby boy clothing will not have tags since this seems to cause irritation for some babies. The washing instructions and size will be printed on the back of the neck.

    Consider how easy or difficult it is to put on the clothing
    For a wriggly baby boy, buttons can be the most frustrating object on the planet to the parents. In such cases, zippers and snaps are the best choices. You can even go for those brands which have magnetic straps for eliminating the hassles of zipper jams. You should opt for snaps and stretchy neck holes at the collar so that you can slide the cloth gently and easily over your baby boy’s head.

    These tips will help you to choose the best clothing for your little boy. Make sure it is not only comfortable but easy to take off and clean.

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  • What is AFib stroke and what causes it

    Afib (Atrial Fibrillation) is a condition in which there is abnormal and fast electrical rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. When afib occurs, the upper chambers do not contract completely, and hence the flow of blood gets restricted. As the blood collects or gets stagnant, it slowly starts forming clots. These blood clots could move to the brain causing a stroke. Afib treatments, therefore, need to be done quickly to prevent this from happening. Before starting on afib stroke medications, it would be beneficial to understand the causes of this condition.

    According to the statistics, more than 2.6 million Americans are affected by Afib. This number is only expected to increase to about 12 million by the year 2050, due to the aging population. Afib-related strokes are said to be nearly twice as fatal and disabling as non-afib related strokes.

    Causes of Afib stroke
    Afib is a condition that should not be left untreated. Many people with afib are usually unaware of their condition, hence diagnosing afib is even harder. If there is no timely treatment, afib stroke can have serious repercussions on the physical health. Listed below are some of the causes of Afib:

    • High blood pressure
    • Heart attacks or previous heart surgeries or congenital heart defects
    • Overactive thyroid glands
    • Exposure to certain stimulants like tobacco, alcohol or caffeine
    • Cholesterol is seen to be the cause in many cases of afib

    The main cause of afib stroke is the formation of clots due to the chaotic electric rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart. Afib treatment medication is hence focused on preventing the formation of clots. Also, understanding the patient’s condition could help in getting the right type of atrial fibrillation medications.

    The best afib treatment medication would be to prevent afib strokes by treating it, rather than ignoring it. Periodic testing would be the best way to be safe. Also maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle will be beneficial.

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  • COPD – Types, symptoms, and flare-up management options

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a severe, long-term lung condition that includes chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. The disease makes it difficult for the air to pass through the airways comfortably, leading to obstructive breathing. According to studies, chronic lower respiratory diseases, including COPD, are the leading causes of death in the country. While the illness is manageable, COPD flare-ups can cause discomfort. Here’s what you need to know about the condition and its management options.

    Types of COPD

    • Chronic bronchitis
      Chronic Bronchitis is a condition characterized by persistent coughing that lasts at least three weeks. This happens when the breathing tubes, called bronchi, are inflamed and irritated, further leading to thick mucus buildup. Air pollution, dust, and smoke particles can all contribute to the development of this illness.
    • Emphysema
      This condition causes shortness of breath due to the air sacs (alveoli) being damaged in the lungs. With time, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and can even rupture, leading to difficulty breathing.

    COPD flare-ups
    If one experiences shortness of breath, excessive wheezing or coughing, or producing more phlegm, one might have a COPD flare-up, also called an exacerbation. The symptoms of the disease are visibly worse than usual and require additional treatment. While the intensity of the flare-up ranges from moderate to severe, frequent exacerbation can cause lung damage which can be irreversible.

    Signs and symptoms
    Some of the signs of a flare-up include fever, scratchy throat, and other similar signs of cold, swollen ankles, coughing with mucus that is green, tan, or red in color, fatigue, unusual sleepiness or drowsiness, and a confused state of mind.

    Some signs of an emergency include drowsiness, chest pains, shortness of breath, lips or fingers turning blue, or inability to think clearly. An emergency treatment kit may help, but if the symptoms worsen, consult a doctor at the earliest.

    Treatment options
    While some lifestyle changes may help manage the illness, treatment plans may help control the flare-ups to a great extent.

    • Muscle relaxers
      These treatment options help relax the muscles around the airways, easing symptoms like shortness of breath and coughing. The effects of these relaxers last up to 4 to 6 hours. Usually, this kind of treatment is prescribed when one experiences uncomfortable symptoms.
    • Prescription
      BREZTRI is a long-term treatment plan that treats COPD symptoms and even reduces the number of flare-ups experienced. The recommended dosage of the inhaler is two inhalations twice a day. Also, note that BREZTRI is not a treatment to relieve sudden breathing problems, therefore, it may not be effective for asthma.
    • Pulmonary rehabilitation
      This is a program designed to help manage COPD and its symptoms. It includes breathing exercises, nutritional therapy, exercise routine, healthy lifestyle counseling, and tracking and journaling progress through the treatment program.

    Preventive measures
    Some preventive measures to ensure the flare-ups are not as frequent or severe include getting a flu shot (against pneumonia), avoiding big gatherings or crowds, washing hands regularly, and avoiding the use of fragrant cleaning products or perfumes.

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  • Top 5 Android Phones in the Market

    Android phones have been ruling the market for quite a while now. However, with the number of brands such as Samsung, HTC, and OnePlus in the market, picking the right one may be confusing.

    There are phones with great cameras but not good battery backup, or phones with good battery backup but not a good enough screen. There are various things you need to consider before buying an Android smartphone. Price factor also plays an important role in selecting phones. These phones are expensive, hence, you need to make sure that you get your value for money.

    Here are some of the best Android phones you can consider purchasing.

    Samsung Galaxy Note 8

    This is the biggest smartphone by Samsung. After a year of controversy, Samsung is back with this giant smartphone sporting a 6.3-inch HD+Infinity display screen. Available for $923 approximately, this is easily the most feature packed phone you can buy. The battery life is amazing, and the phone also features a top of the line processor, expandable storage, wireless charging options, and is also water resistant. The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is probably the best smartphone your money can get you.

    LG V30

    Probably the only other phone to be considered a rival to the Note 8, the LG V30 is one of the sleekest and best working Android phones in the market. The 6-inch screen is a combination of glass and aluminum, giving it an iPhone-ish touch. The phone also contains a top of the line dual camera with excellent video shooting quality and one of the best headphone jacks available in the market. The 64 GB model is priced at $810-$830 approximately, while the 128GB model is priced at $912 approximately.

    Google Pixel 2

    After the massive success of the inaugural Google Pixel, the Pixel 2 keeps up all the promises while delivering even more. This phone has the best camera on an Android phone with its razor-sharp focus and an amazing low light capture mode. The screen is 5 inch one but if you want a bigger screen you can grab the Pixel 2 XL that sports a 5 inch screen. Available in 3 colors, the Google Pixel 2 is priced at $649 for the 64GB model and $749 for the 128GB model approximately.

    Samsung Galaxy S8

    Easily one of the classiest from Samsung and in the smartphone market in general, the Galaxy S8 is all about Android goodness. The 5.8 inch screen gives you edge to edge smoothness with the perfect cut that fits in almost anywhere. The specs are up to date and the phone itself is highly competent. The Samsung Galaxy S8 does come with a slightly higher price than its competitors, priced at $750 approximately. The only problem people seem to have with this phone is the placement of its fingerprint scanner.

    OnePlus 5T

    Although OnePlus is a newcomer to the Android market, their products have always been top of the line with their USP being great phones at a cheap price. With the introduction of the OnePlus 5T, one of their best models got all the updates it needed. With a 6 inch AMOLED display, and a 20 megapixel camera, top of the line processor, and a durable battery, this phone brings together all the best parts of the hardware and the software worlds. The latest model also features facial recognition technology to unlock the device, quite a handy tool. The best part about this phone is that it’s priced at $499 for the 68 GB model and $599 for the 128GB model approximately.

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  • Know your bathroom faucets inside out

    For a regular buyer, selecting a bathroom faucet is usually limited to style elements. We huddle over design manuals and debate about the finish, but are usually less concerned about what goes inside of a faucet. Most of us find the specs difficult to understand, so we just skim over this essential part. In this article, our aim is to simplify the valve construction to enable you to make a well-informed decision.

    The make of the valve is not only important from the point of view of durability, but it is also essential for hassle-free day-to-day use. Most standard quality faucets are made from brass, plated with chrome or PVD to render them resistant to corrosion. Over the years, faucet technology has moved in the direction of lead-free construction. It is increasingly being replaced by bismuth.
    It is always better to check the installation manual while purchasing a new faucet. This gives you a good idea about the plumbing essentials and the ease with which the faucet can be installed in your bathroom.

    The valve controls the flow of water from the faucet making it the most important part of the faucet mechanism. There are four kinds of valves, which can be used in bathroom faucets.

    • Compression valve faucets: This basic valve design features a screw that compresses a rubber washer to regulate the flow of water. Usually, separate handles are provided for cold water and hot water. It is very common for this type of valve to wear out with continuous use. The rubber washer losses its elasticity or is snipped by the edges of the screw. Leakage and replacements are frequent in this kind of valve design.
    • Ball valves: They feature movable slots to control the mixing of hot and cold water. When you twist or turn the handle, the opening to the slots is changed, which in turn determines the amount of water flowing through them. Ball valves are usually used in faucets sporting a single handle.
    • Cartridge valves: This valve design comprises two concentric cylindrical cartridges of varying diameters. When you turn the faucet handle, you are actually moving the cartridges relative to each other. Rubber O-rings are used to control the flow of water. Cartridge valves are fairly reliable and durable in the long run.
    • Ceramic disc valves: These consist of two specially designed ceramic disks, which slide against each other to control the flow of water through them. Although ceramic disc faucets are expensive in comparison to other kinds of valves, they require the least maintenance and are the most durable.

    Control options
    Handles and levers are more yesterday; now bathroom faucets boast of a variety of sophisticated controls.

    • Hands-free operation: A motion sensor built-in to the faucet regulates the flow and temperature of water.
    • Touch-sensitive: Much like your smartphones, this technology activates by a simple touch or tap anywhere on the faucet.

    Apart from these, you can also go for cross handles, joysticks, knobs push buttons or lever handles.

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  • Where to find the cheapest tires online

    The world of technology has significantly altered the way consumerism functions, right now, anything we want is just a touch away. And tires my friend are no exception! Want a wheel, log on to that website, and within a few days you will be rolling around the city in your car.

    The best part about purchasing tires online is that you find the cheapest prices. Unlike, your regular auto repair shop or local garage, the tires available online don’t burden your pocket. If you are concerned about the quality due to the low prices, don’t worry, there are many reputable brands selling their tires online at a low cost. While hunting for tires online you will also notice that there are myriad of options. So, you can easily shortlist options and choose. These cheapest prices and variety make your online shopping experience comfortable and hassle free.

    Tires Easy, Online Tires, Tire Buyer, Simple Tire, Tire Rack, Tire Warehouse, Walmart, Tire Crazy, etc. are some of the popular tire selling websites online that will provide you with the cheapest and the best alternatives. To find if they ship in your state, check their website for zip or store locators. You can also find many brand stores online. They have attractive offers and discounts not only on tires prices, but also on shipping and membership.

    Apart from the tires, you can find many auto parts on these websites. The biggest benefit of the virtual shopping is the online community which assists you in making an informed decision. Reading up reviews or connecting with someone with similar experiences can help you deflect possible mistakes. You can also find videos and blog essays related to the different brand of tires for reference purposes.

    If you are wondering, besides from the cheapest prices and wide selections, what else can these online sellers can offer, you can find many advantageous aspects. For example, certain websites make the delivery, based on your convenience. If you order today, there is a good chance that they will be delivered by the next day, if you need them on an urgent basis.

    Also in terms of installation, many websites have tie-ups with the local installers in your town. These tires can even be delivered to the local mechanic of your choice, instead of your residential address. In this way, you can get the process of installation started as soon as possible.

    To find the best and cheapest tires for your vehicle, remember to research well.

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