Importance of a Healthy Diet for Managing Arthritis
Importance of a Healthy Diet for Managing Arthritis

Arthritis refers to the inflammation of joints and the fibrous tissues around it and the resulting pain in those joints. Earlier referred to as rheumatism, inflammation causes stiffness and pain in those joints and restricts movement over time. Arthritis refers to about 100 types of joint diseases. It affects about 53 million adults and 300,000 children in the country every year. It might stay on for some and disappear in a few days but is degenerative in most. If it affects the knee joint, walking and climbing stairs are severely impaired. If it affects fingers, they can get wobbly and simple jobs like holding, kneading and writing can become overwhelming. Although most types of arthritis affect limbs and joints, some types of arthritis can also affect the eyes, heart, kidney, and lungs. Some types of arthritis and examples are

  • Degenerative – Osteoarthritis
  • Inflammatory – Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Infectious – Triggered by organisms Salmonella, Shigella or Hepatitis B, Lyme Disease
  • Metabolic arthritis – Gout

Despite the high prevalence of arthritis worldwide, doctors and scientists have till date not been able to find the cause and hence a cure. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that there is no cure for most types of arthritis. Early diagnosis and constant management are the only ways of diminishing the impact of arthritis on a person’s life. Apart from medication to relieve inflammation and strengthen muscles, alternate therapies, devices that help improve mobility are all part of the treatment protocol. Change in diet patterns, lifestyle modification and physical therapy for affected joints can improve the quality of life of those affected.

Connection between food and arthritis
For more than 90 years, scientists are trying to establish a link between food and arthritis, given that it affects young and old, men and women. Except for the discovery that gluten could trigger inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and joints, no other arthritis has been linked to a particular food item or diet. With an increase in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and no trigger linked to their cause, treatment protocols are broad-based and goals are to reduce the pain and improve quality of life.

Today science has been able to break down every single component of every single food item there is. We are more than ever aware of what each food is made of. Isolating all those food items that could potentially cause inflammation can help a little or even a lot to treat arthritis. Apart from being triggers that cause inflammation or reduce it, food also helps improve a person’s overall health. This is beneficial for a person who is affected by rheumatoid arthritis caused by a poor immune system.

There is an increased flow of information about chemicals that cause disease or help treat it. Similar information is also available about the presence of these chemicals in naturally available foodstuff. Treating and managing arthritis with such food naturally, without resorting to lab- and factory-made chemicals is also gaining momentum. Thus, a person also avoids the side effects caused by long term use of anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers.

Food recommended for common types of arthritis

  • Rheumatoid
    This is caused by inflammation and foods that cause such inflammation need to be avoided
  • Osteoarthritis
    Vegan and plant-based balanced diet works best to improve the calcium deficiency.
  • Gout
    Gout is a type of disease caused by the body’s inability to process uric acid which crystallizes in the joints causing inflammation. Avoid food that is high in purines which release uric acid has to be limited to manage gout naturally.
  • Osteoporosis
    Including calcium and Vitamin D rich food helps the damage caused to bones due to a calcium deficiency.

Foods that can add to arthritis pain
A person suffering from arthritis is highly prone to inflammation. Many triggers in food can cause inflammation and they should be avoided. They need to avoid any such food that increases the symptoms. Some common triggers are sugar, salt, Trans fat, gluten, refined carbs.

Combined with physical activity, a positive attitude, healthy lifestyle, and timely medication, a person with arthritis can rest be assured that there will be a reduction in pain and more active use of the joints. There are many options to know about food choices today on the internet. However, before one decides what to include and give up, it is important to consult a doctor or a nutritionist. They will recommend a diet plan that is specific to your body’s needs and condition, particularly for those who have allergies or are sensitive to a particular food.

  • What is an ESA and how to get one

    Having a dog as a companion can contribute to one’s mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, some canines are trained to officially aid people with disabilities. These dogs are known as emotional support animals (ESAs). People can qualify a dog as an ESA with a few crucial steps. With official evidence, such individuals can be exempted from strict federal housing norms and rules that restrict flight travel with an animal. If you want to know how to register a dog as a support animal or understand the process of getting an ESA, you can follow these steps.

    • Register through a trusted ESA service
      There are several online ESA services in the country, like the US Service Animals that register a support animal. After entering details about the owner and the dog and completing registration, the ESA service will send the owner a photo identity card of the dog and a certification of registration. This identity card will also contain legal information regarding rights. Having an ID of your dog, along with a certificate, can make it easier to establish the authenticity of the whole process.
    • Locate a licensed health care provider
      Only licensed practitioners can qualify an ESA officially. People usually connect with a licensed therapist via a referral from a trusted doctor. There are online search tools like the Psychologist Locator by the American Psychological Association that may be useful. Simply enter the zip code and practice area to locate an ideal licensed therapist close to the person’s residence.
    • Ask for an ESA letter
      After speaking to the therapist, one has to request for an ESA letter. The letter must state the diagnosis of an emotional or mental disability and that an ESA can help improve the symptoms associated with the mentioned condition. Note that the severity of one’s disability need not be revealed in the letter.

    Only an official letter from a licensed practitioner can qualify an animal as an ESA. However, when you register a dog as an emotional support animal with a service, you can show additional documentation to someone who doubts the validity of your ESA.

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  • Six tell-tale symptoms of Hepatitis C

    According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been at least 30,000 reported cases of acute Hepatitis C infection every year. A study shows that around 3.5 million people were detected with Hepatitis C virus in 2015. The Hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver that occurs over a prolonged period. This makes Hepatitis C is one such disease that does not show immediate symptoms.

    It has been observed that about 20 to 30 percent people experience Hepatitis C symptoms in the first six months. The symptoms of Hepatitis C tend to resemble those of common flu. Hence, it is quite difficult to detect whether a person has been infected by the Hepatitis C virus or not. If you get the following symptoms, consult your doctor and ask whether you are at a risk of Hepatitis C infection.

    • You frequently experience pain in your upper abdomen. The pain usually occurs on the right side. You will also notice a swelling on this part. This happens due to water accumulation. You might also suffer from diarrhea.
    • Your urine is dark and you pass light-colored stool. This is one of the clearest symptoms of Hepatitis C. If you observe these symptoms in yourself, rush to doctor and get tests done to determine whether you are suffering from Hepatitis C.
    • You have jaundice. Your skin and eyes develop a yellow tint. You might suffer from constant itching.
    • You lose your appetite and lose interest in your daily activities. You tend to be nauseous and experience vomiting.
    • You are constantly tired. You experience periodic pains in your muscles and joints. Also, you experience chronic body aches from time to time.
    • You might also suffer from extreme mood swings with a persistent feeling of sadness and lack of energy and enthusiasm.

    Most of these symptoms appear within first three months of infection. These can last for two to twelve weeks. Sometimes, certain subtle symptoms can occur periodically over decades. It can take about six months to ten years to became aware of the virus in the body. Since most of these symptoms are similar to illnesses such as flu or diarrhea and other viral infections, Hepatitis C often goes undetected in most cases. It is only when the liver stops functioning normally that it becomes clear that the person is suffering from Hepatitis C infection. In extreme cases, the person might suffer from a condition known as cirrhosis. If you observe any of the above six symptoms, ask your doctor to test you for Hepatitis C. After all, prevention is better than cure!

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  • What is diabetic nerve pain?

    Diabetics can have long-term implications on the body and more so if the blood sugar levels are neglected for a long time. One of the problems that many people with diabetes suffer from is diabetic neuropathy, which may cause sharp and shooting pains, especially in the lower limbs. This is known as diabetic nerve pain, a condition that occurs due to damage to the nerves that sends signals to the legs and feet. There are mainly four types of diabetic nerve pain namely, peripheral, autonomic, proximal and focal.

    Types of diabetic nerve pain

     This type of diabetic nerve pain affects the feet and the legs. In rare cases, they also affect the arms, abdomen, and back. The usual symptoms include temporary and permanent numbness, burning sensation, pain and tingling. These symptoms can be treated right at the beginning and can relieve one from the discomfort when the blood sugar levels are controlled.

     The second type of diabetic nerve pain affects the digestive system, the stomach being the primary victim. This type of diabetic nerve pain can even occur in the sex organs, urinary system and blood vessels. The symptoms that take place in the digestive system are diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, vomiting, nausea and bloating. When this occurs in blood vessels, the symptoms can manifest as dizziness, vomiting, faster heartbeat, low blood pressure, and nausea. When diabetic nerve pain affects the urinary system, patients suffer from difficulty in emptying the bladder, bloating, more urination or leakage of urine.

    This type of diabetic nerve pain usually occurs on one of the two sides of the thighs, hips or buttocks. It may lead to the weakening of the legs. These symptoms when noticed must be treated immediately to lessen the pain and save the muscles from becoming weak.

    This type of nerve pain affects certain nerves and has its impact in the heart, torso, and legs. This leads to weakening of the muscles and causes pain which can get worse with time. The symptoms of this type of diabetic nerve pain include double vision, eye pain, severe pain in lower back and legs area and paralysis.

    People suffering from diabetic nerve pain experience many other symptoms as well which include conditions such as nerve compressions. In such cases, the doctor might suggest invokana tanzeum glucagon diabetes treatments.

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  • 3 coupon sites for amazing deals on Bridgestone tires

    Started in Tokyo, Japan in the year 1931, Bridgestone is now one of the world’s leading tire enterprises. The company is known for its quality and innovation, as well as the reasonable price tags its products sport. The manufacturing giant primarily focuses on high-quality durable tires that promise a smooth driving experience. It also manufactures bicycles, automotive components, conveyor belts, and golf equipment, among other things.

    Bridgestone’s products are now sold in more than 150 countries worldwide. This ease of availability, combined with the standard of quality and durability it meets, has made it a personal choice of many.

    Despite the extremely reasonable prices, we all love to snatch up a good deal every now and then. Tires, in general, are one of the more expensive purchases you will have to make for your car. Having some great coupon deals when you are out there looking for some new wheels will only make the experience that much better. Thus, we have put together a list of certain websites that will give you amazing deals on Bridgestone tires prices so you can snatch up your favorite wheels without worrying.

    • Firestone Complete Auto Care

    Possibly the simplest and the easiest site to find deals on, Firestone Complete Auto Care makes tire shopping a breeze. You can easily avail coupons from this website by simply submitting your contact details and receiving a code via SMS. It offers great discount and cashback deals on Bridgestone tires prices and make your purchase a savings fest.

    • Offers

    This is another popular website with coupons for thousands of brands. has some great deals for Bridgestone tires prices, making them even more affordable, and also has them for maintenance and care of your vehicle. Check out the site for multiple deals and pick whichever one suits you best.

    • RetailMeNot

    Find a list of coupons and codes for your Bridgestone purchase easily with this brand. RetailMeNot has multiple deals not only on Bridgestone tires prices but also for other Bridgestone products. Find discount coupons for tires and avail various prizes on Bridgestone golfing products as well. Next time you drive yourself to the golf course for a game, you’re probably going to feel like a winner even before it begins!

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  • Precautions to be taken after thrombosis treatment

    After the patient has been treated for thrombosis, it is fine to be physically active. If the thrombosis is in the form of acute DVT or pulmonary embolism, walking and doing light household work may not do any harm. However, if there is a lot of leg pain from the DVT or shortness of breath from pulmonary embolism even after the treatment, the person should refrain from  any sort of exertion. Getting treated from the symptoms of thrombosis, can be a stress to the body. The body needs time to heal and recover. Take leave from work and rest as much as you can if there is pain after getting treated from thrombosis.

    From previous cases, it is observed that being highly active after one month of treatment from thrombosis does not prove to be detrimental. It may actually be beneficial and may also avoid any further symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome.

    If you are an athlete, then there are no official guidelines as to how quickly can you return to exercising after getting treated from thrombosis. Every patient has a different exercise requirement. It all depends on the type of thrombosis and its severity that how long will it take for the person to recover from the treatment of thrombosis. The appropriate time to refrain from any athletic activities varies anywhere between 10 to 14 days after the treatment from DVT or pulmonary embolism. To lessen the deconditioning during this period of relative inactivity, the person, on advice from a physician may do some strength training. If the thrombosis involves leg, then it is advisable to do arm and trunk exercises and if the thrombosis involves arms then in that case leg and trunk exercises are recommended.

    A similar approach should be followed regarding yoga. It is safest to do very moderate yoga and avoid those yoga activities that involve extreme body positions in the first two weeks after the thrombosis has been treated.

    Whatever you do, it is highly advisable that you indulge in any kind of physical activity only after consulting a physician or the doctor that has treated your thrombosis.

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  • 6 common hotel booking mistakes to avoid

    Booking a hotel room online before is a pretty straightforward and quick process. In fact, it’s so simple that many travelers overlook a few crucial aspects before booking, which ends up costing more time and money. What’s even worse is that a seemingly-minor misstep can spoil your entire vacation. If you want the best deals and make the most out of your trip, here are some common hotel booking mistakes you must absolutely avoid.

    Booking at an inopportune time
    When you book a hotel at the wrong time, you often end up paying a lot more. “Wrong” here means you’re booking too early or late. That being said, there’s no single best time to book, but you must consider the popularity and seasonality of your destination and monitor rates for a few days before booking.

    Assuming there’s no better deal
    Nearly every booking website claims to offer the best online hotel deals. But taking their word would be unwise. Compare prices across different sites and check if they’re offering promotions. Sometimes, the lowest prices are available on a hotel’s official website, so you might want to check that too.

    Not paying with a credit card
    Always use credit cards for hotel bookings. This path is typically the only means of getting cash-back bonuses, rewards, and free stays, among other benefits. More importantly, credit cards offer fraud protection and immediate refunds for mischarges, which are not offered for payments made through debit cards and cash.

    Booking without checking reviews
    Most hotel rooms look spacious, luxurious, and spotlessly clean in pictures, but the reality can be quite different. Reading reviews helps you know whether the hotel is how it looks. In addition, reviews can give you an idea of the quality of service and overall stay experience.

    Booking non-refundable rooms
    Non-refundable rooms are cheaper than regular ones, but keep in mind that booking such a room is a high-risk option. The hotel will not refund a single dollar if you have to cancel or amend your stay for any reason, be it a flight delay or medical emergency.

    Overlooking the location
    In search of the best deal, many travelers ignore the fact that their hotel is too far from the places they want to visit. If your hotel is located in an inconvenient or isolated location, it could ruin your whole vacation and cost you more money and time while traveling.

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  • Benefits of Estee Lauder advanced night repair

    Are you one of those people who have been dealing with issues under the eye? The skin around the eye area is extremely sensitive and tends to develop a variety of problems and issues like wrinkles, ageing and dark circles that make you look older than your age. There are umpteen skin products that are available these day to combat the above-mentioned issues, but choosing a good brand that works effectively to combat the problem is not easy. Majority of the cream wreak havoc on your skin and can irritate you skin too. This is when the name Estee Lauder comes into mind with their wonderful skin care products made from the best ingredients that have been proven to be extremely effective in combating these issues.

    Estee Lauderadvanced night repair

    This is one products of Estee Lauder that is worth a splurge as this has been found to work wonders for a variety of skin issues.This night repair skin will help to combat wrinkles and dark circles and other issues surrounding the eye area making you look younger and healthier.It contains:

    Anti-ageing serum: This product stimulates the skin’s ability to repair itself naturally overnight with the aid of its unique ChronoluxCB Technology which helps to make your skin look younger instantly.

    Repair Serum: Suppose you have been battling with problematic skin this wonderful product of Estee Lauder is a must for your skin care regime in the evening as it will help to repair your skin overnight.

    How to use?
    This serum is intended to be used before going to bed on skin that is cleaned of makeup and freshly washed. One needs to apply a few drops of the serum on the throat and face starting with the middle and then begin massaging outward. Keep massaging till the entire cream has been absorbed onto your skin. Once this has been completed, ensure that you apply your daily moisturizer into the skin. Normally, you can find a real difference within a month of using this serum regularly.

    Advantages of Estee Lauder advanced night repair

    • It is an oil free serum which makes it suitable for all skin types
    • It is also free of fragrance
    • It has been dermatologic ally and ophthalmologic ally tested safe which makes it all the more safe to use on even sensitive skin.
    • Since it is free of oil, it averts clogging of pores.
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  • Facts you didn’t know about Morkie puppies

    Morkie, the designer crossbreed between Yorkie and Maltese is definitely an adorable one. It does not require a long yard to play; it gets easily along with the adults as well as kids and can fit itself into any kind of household. However, this does not mean that every family can handle a Morkie. Following are some facts about the Morkies that one should remember before bringing a puppy home.

    Morkie puppies may look innocent, but they are extremely stubborn, making it difficult to dominate them. They prefer to do things their own way. It may be difficult at times to make them listen to you do not have a very dominating nature.

    These cute little puppies can live for 10-13 years. Getting a morbid puppy is a long time commitment. Getting a puppy home and abandoning it is not a good option.

    Morkies are a very tiny breed and may weigh anywhere from four to 12 pounds. You may end up having a puppy-like dog. While some don’t grow bigger at all, some do if they are fed a healthy and balanced diet.

    Morkies are very tiny and innocent animals. They can easily get hurt by kids or by other animals. When they are not willing to play, children can accidentally hurt them by playing with them forcibly or harshly. Hence, you should keep an eye on them while kids are around.

    If you are looking for an active dog then surely Morkies are not the apt ones. They can never be persuaded into long walks. They moment it gets too much for them, they will turn towards the house. A short walk of around five minutes is perfect for them.

    The appearance of these little Morkie pups may be quite deceiving. You will be surprised how fast they get hungry. They will jump at the chance of eating anything and will always appreciate you for feeding them frequently. However, you need to be aware that over-feeding may lead to obesity.

    These cute little ones are animal-friendly. They can be friends with both cats and dogs. Hence one need not worry about the other animals at home. Morkies will fit perfectly well.

    If you don’t like noise at all then surely Morkie is not a good choice. Like most other puppies, they bark a lot at almost everything.

    Morkies are quite fragile and you need to be very careful while handling them. A regular visit to the vet is highly recommended.

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