Pros and cons of walk-in bath tubs
Pros and cons of walk-in bath tubs

A walk bathtub is one of the best and the most luxurious facilities in bathroom furnishing. While getting a walk-in bathtub installed is an expensive affair to deal with, it is exceptionally soothing after a tiring day at the office. The comfort of a shower is nothing when compared to a walk bathtub where you can lie down and relax inside a tube filled with water. Walk bathtubs are perfect substitutes for swimming pools if you do not have enough space. In this article, we have explored several pros and cons of using the walk bathtubs.

Saves space: Bathtubs do not take up as much space as the swimming pools and they easily fit inside a bathroom as well. So, if space is the constraint, it is best to invest in bathtubs.

Ideal for senior citizens: When it comes to senior citizens, it might get a little difficult for them to use swimming pools. Due to most of the seniors’ physical constraints, the senior walk tubs are the safest places that they can use to enjoy a good bath. The walk bathtubs seniors can easily be bought from most of the stores where they sell bathroom accessories and tools.

Saves water: Taking a shower for long hours adds to an enormous waste of water since 60% of it finds its way to the drains. The walk bathtub needs only that exact amount of water which the user wants, thus proving to be beneficial to the environment and a saving on your water bill.

Price: They can be an expensive affair, right from the start when you purchase it to the maintenance and the extra care that you have to invest in.

Safety: Bathtubs can be dangerous for little babies since they can fall into the tub and get hurt. The massive sidewalls make it difficult for the babies to climb up. It is, therefore, recommended that there is constant supervision when children are around.

Based on the above pros and cons, you can decide if a walk bathtub is for you. It must, however, be noted that in most cases, the cons are easily manageable.

  • A Guide to Oil Change Specials

    Oil change forms an essential part of vehicle maintenance as well as repair services, and it is necessary for the smooth functioning of a car or truck. Generally, users are of the opinion that getting the oil changed at a specific brand’s outlets is way too expensive and hence they wait for oil change specials or coupons. However, the fact remains that not getting it changed regularly can be detrimental to the health of the vehicle and its engine in particular. For this sole reason, automobile companies roll out oil change specials on a continuous basis to prevent their customers from experiencing frequent vehicle breakdown.

    Getting the services of an ordinary mechanic just to save money is not the right idea, and it is always better to visit the company dealer where the repair and maintenance department works exclusively with that brand’s vehicles. The staff will guide you with the type of service you should opt for and the kind of oil change that is required in terms of a synthetic blend or full synthetic. They understand the needs of the vehicle as well as the customer, and they offer the best services possible. At an exclusive outlet, the customer is also given the opportunity to get customized services.

    The distance for which the vehicle is driven, the kind of driving that is involved, and the frequency of vehicle usage are factors that matter while selecting oil change specials. Rough driving would require a different type of oil as opposed to normal driving. The weather of a region also impacts when and after what intervals you should get the oil of your vehicle changed. The technician needs to be informed of every single detail that might influence his decision regarding the repair of the vehicle.

    Do not get into the hassles of changing the oil on your own as you might end up doing more harm than good. Getting it checked from an expert will also help you ascertain any other damage that might have happened internally. They will undertake a detailed examination of the vehicle, both visually and manually, to determine the efficiency of accessories as well as safety equipment. Many times, oil change specials allow you to avail a multi-point inspection without having to incur additional charges. Most companies are ASE certified meaning that their employees and staff possess the requisite qualifications and are trained to handle repair and maintenance.

    If you are a Toyota owner, you can take advantage of the following oil change specials for your vehicle. Note that many of the below-mentioned oil change specials come with a condition that limits their usage up to two different coupons in one visit.

    • When you avail services involving the change of synthetic blend oil, you get $10 off on the original price.
    • If you get any kind of oil changed, tire rotation services are provided free of cost. However, this special cannot be clubbed with the above-mentioned offer.
    • $20 less on change of (ATF) Automatic Transmission Fluid.
    • The serpentine belt can be exchanged at a discount of $10.
    • Coolant services are available at $10 off.
    • Bad odors inside the car can be removed with the help of an interior treatment called Odor Out Ozone which is offered at a special price of around $39.95.
    • If you are planning to travel and want to know the status of your vehicle’s battery, drop in at the outlet and get it checked for free.

    Make the most of these oil change specials from Toyota, and keep your car or truck in good condition. However, it is always better to call your nearest automobile dealer to check the latest oil change specials. Apart from Toyota, Jiffy Lube®, Firestone and Midas are some brands that offer oil change specials that help you save money.

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  • Best Software for Automated Marketing

    Email marketing has become one of the most effective ways of reaching out to the right audience and saving expenses on marketing initiatives. It has been proven that an email marketing if done in a right manner can save initial investment and can effectively contribute towards the ROI. If you are planning to use automated email and best software for automated marketing, following is a list for you.

    Campaign Monitor
    Campaign Monitor is an easy email marketing software that lets you send relevant and beautifully designed emails to your prospects and existing clients. This tool helps you create a reliable channel to improve customer relations through engagement efforts and timely updates. It can tremendously help in increasing the customer base and improve loyalty. Campaign Monitor offers engaging templates that can be easily modified and sent to a huge number of subscribers without any hitch.

    Zoho Campaigns
    Zoho Campaigns is a popular email marketing software that is ideal if you own a small to medium-sized businesses. This software is capable of automating the entire marketing process and can take care of all the nuances like mailing lists and email campaigns. This software easily integrates with Zoho CRM to provide you with the information you need accurately and instantly. Using Zoho Campaigns, you may not only get in touch with your customers on email but they can also interact with them using social campaigns on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

    WebEngage provides you with a smart email marketing and automation tool that helps by adding to the revenue from online customers. This software lets you create personalized automated emails that help in creating loyalty and in retaining the customers. It has multiple options like win back emails, personalized offer emails, and abandonment emails, which can help you quickly reach out to your customers and win them back with a personal mail.

    ZeroBounce is an excellent email-marketing tool that ensures that none of your marketing emails bounce by removing abuse and spam trap emails. It also checks and removes invalid email ids, temporary addresses, and catches all domains so that your marketing initiatives do not end up bouncing or in someone’s spam folder. ZeroBounce improves the deliverability of emails and provides data about subscribers that can be of much importance in marketing reports.

    If you are planning to use automated emails, you should consider one of the above-mentioned software for automated marketing to get the best results.

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  • Everything you need to know about meningitis

    What is meningitis? Your brain and spinal cord are covered in delicate membranes called meninges that act as a gentle cover. Meningitis is a very rare infection that is caused by the inflation of the meninges.

    The meninges are very important and play a notable role by surrounding and protecting your central nervous system. There are several types of meningitis, the most common being, bacterial, viral, and fungal meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is caused by a bacteria that enters your bloodstream and spreads due to close contact with affected people. It can be life-threatening. Viral meningitis is common and not very severe; however, it does need a physician’s consultation. Fungal meningitis is a rare form and is most commonly caused by a weak immune system.

    It may be most obvious to think that meningitis is caused by an infection that begins in your brain, but this does not hold true almost always. The cause may trigger from places like your ears, throat, etc. These infections may or may not pose a problem when they are situated in these parts of the body but lead to inflation as soon as they come in contact with meningitis.

    There are several ways through which infections that cause meningitis can be spread. Actions such as kissing, coughing, sharing food plates, toothbrushes, etc. can lead to the catching of these infections. A very common way of catching these infections is from people who have these viruses settled in their nose or throat, but may not be suffering from meningitis themselves.

    Who is at a risk of getting meningitis? Meningitis can affect anyone, but certain people are a higher risk of getting meningitis. People who have not completed their vaccination schedule are likely to suffer from this infection. Kids and teenagers below the age of 20 and adults above the age of 55 are likely to get meningitis. A weak immune system is one that can easily allow meningitis germs to spread. Also, kids living in a community setting such as boarding schools, dormitories, child care centers, etc. are more susceptible to meningitis.

    The common symptoms of meningitis that you should look out for and be alerted include severe headaches, drowsiness, feeling a lack of energy, fever, vomiting, a stiff neck, cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, and pale skin. Infants too are at the risk of being affected by meningitis and signs such as refusal to be held, a stiff body, sloppiness, loud cries, etc. should make you seek medical help at the earliest.

    Looking for symptoms for meningitis and contacting your physician at the earliest will enable you to avail of the ideal treatment.

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  • 10 must-have features in any refrigerator

    We have come a long way from the days when refrigerators were primarily used for storing perishable food items. These days, refrigerators are not merely just for storing food and other frozen items, but also act as a photo frame on which you may place your precious memories, your shopping list, your to-do notes, and much more.Changing technology has definitely brought in a positive change in the way consumers look at refrigerators.
    10 must-have features in a refrigerator
    All refrigerators are equipped with the newest features that were not present in the previous models.

    Here are the 10 must-have features that make any refrigerator convenient and easier to use:

    • Adjustable shelves
      Of course, shelves were adjustable even in earlier models, but new models have adjustable elevated shelves that can accommodate any tall food item, a designated pizza box shelf in a freezer, and pull out shelves to access any item without any hindrance.
    • LED light
      LED lights are essential for refrigerators and freezers as they consume less energy and reduce overall maintenance cost. Moreover, LED lights are pleasant to the eyes too. All the best refrigerators use LED lights since they are environment-friendly and last long
    • Wi-Fi savvy
      When we have smart TVs, then why not smart refrigerators? Samsung has come up with an app that syncs with a few Samsung models like the Chef Collection refrigerator and a compatible Samsung Galaxy series phones. This Wi-Fi feature helps the buyer control the power usage; one can even program the fridge to adjust the temperature from the smartphone app.
    • Flexibility
      Some of the best refrigerators have come up with the technology that gives flexible options to the consumers. One can rearrange and organize the space according to the storage required. Some brands have taken this technology to another level by switching the refrigerator into a freezer. This option is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator.
    • Wide Spaces
      Any buyer who is looking to buy a new refrigerator will always want more space than his previous refrigerator. So the wider space factor is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator. Total storage in some of the best refrigerators start from 10 cubic feet and can go to 34.3 cubic feet.
    • Humidity control
      Any refrigerator that can maintain humidity levels intact works best. Though basic models maintain optimum humidity throughout, newer models are equipped with selective humidity controls. Crisper drawers are introduced to keep humidity intact in case of certain foods.
    • Digital temperature
      Maintaining accurate temperature is important. While this feature may be missing in the older models, nevertheless newer models have a digital temperature that maintains the perfect temperature settings inside the refrigerator.
    • Smudge-free body
      We do not like to wipe fingerprints every time a child touches the refrigerator. For that reason, now some of the best refrigerators have come up with a faux stainless body which looks just like a steel body. It is one of the must-have features in any refrigerator as it helps to retain the shine on the outer body.
    • Counter Depth
      Buyers prefer a refrigerator that fits along with the kitchen countertop level rather than standing out. Of course, to meet these demands of the consumers, makers in an attempt to give to sleek look to a refrigerator, have to cut on the space factor.
    • Water dispenser
      Water and ice dispensers are great for everyone especially since you do not have to open the entire refrigerator and can have it through the dispenser.
      All the best refrigerators have these features customized for their buyers. Refrigerators these days have become super stylish and have adapted themselves the way buyers want.
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  • Severe acid reflux – Causes and treatment

    Acid reflux is a condition in which the acid in the stomach travels up to the esophagus causing severe heartburns. The lower esophagus has a small valve that closes as soon as the food is passed through it. Due to some issue, this valve, called the lower esophageal sphincter remains open or partially open. This allows the acid produced inside the stomach to move up to the esophagus and cause a heartburn.

    If this happens more than twice a week for a person, he or she is diagnosed with the Acid Reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The person essential has to undergo severe acid reflux treatment.

    What causes acid reflux?
    It is a misconception that acid reflux is caused due to an increase in the amount of acid produced in the stomach. In reality, the problem is caused by smaller amounts of acid in your stomach.

    One main cause for acid reflux disease is a condition called hiatal hernia, a stomach abnormality. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest and abdomen. It is also helpful in keeping the acid below the esophagus. Usually, the upper part of the stomach and LES are below the diaphragm. When they are present above the diaphragm it’s called hiatal hernia.

    Other causes of acid reflux:

    • Eating large meals
    • Obesity
    • Drinking alcohol and other aerated beverages
    • Eating food items like mint, garlic, onion, or fatty foods
    • Pregnancy

    Treatment for acid reflux
    The first thing to do is to bring back the natural gastric balance and functions. Don’t rely on processed food and try to eat food that provides beneficial bacteria. Try to get more probiotics in your system and avoid triggers like caffeine, alcohol and nicotine products.

    Here are a few common methods implemented for severe acid reflux treatment.

    • Don’t consume three large meals a day. Eat smaller meals and more frequently.
    • Don’t sleep immediately after eating.
    • If you are obese, do regular exercise and bring down your body weight.
    • Be sure to include fish in your diet.
    • Cultured dairy also replenishes a number of beneficial bacteria.
    • Implement high-quality sea salt in your diet.
    • Drink juice of the Aloe plant. A half cup of juice before meals is known to be helpful.

    Treatment with medications
    With a controlled diet and some medications, it’s possible to reduce the problem. There are several antacids that can neutralize the stomach acid and give you relief from the severe heartburns. If overused, some of these antacids may cause diarrhea or constipation.

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  • Benefits of hiring a resume writer

    Writing a resume can be tedious and at the same time, a very challenging process. Knowing what to keep and what to eliminate is a gruesome task. How to make your resume stand out for the recruiters is the big question. But now with professional resume writers who dedicate their time to make sure your profile stands out, applying for jobs just got a lot easier.

    Here are a few reasons why you should hire a professional resume writer or service to benefit from.

    The first question that comes to your mind is, whether the investment is necessary? Professionals charge for their services and you would think will spending all that money will make a difference? The answer is simple, they know and can do a certain task better than you which is why you need their help in the first place. They can write the resume better than you and spending those few extra bucks will benefit in the long run, when recruiters start calling!

    Sometimes you may know and possess certain technical skills but don’t know exactly how to express them, relevantly and to the point. Recruiters are not interested in reading a lengthy description, they hardly spend more than a minute on your resume. Professional resume writers can help you summarize your skills and express it in a better and concise way.

    Using a fancy font and a superior vocabulary will just ruin your chances. Professional resumes must be formatted in a particular way and should be up to date keeping in mind the generally accepted norms. Keeping track of so many changes will be a difficult task so better leave it to the professionals. Points may come down to the nitty gritty in the type of paper used, quality of the print etc. Professional writers will format and draft your resume from the recruiter point of view, what he or she would like to see in your resume.

    You may be the best at what you do, yet struggle to find a decent job interview. The reason is very simple, you are unable to express your profile and experience the way the recruiters want to read. They interview people judging them on specific parameters and if something does not meet the criteria, applications are usually rejected. Professional writers will tailor the resume to suit industry specific requirements and norms in general, to make it stand out and shine!

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  • 7 Body Washes Every Man Should Try

    A bar of soap may seem sufficient to cleanse your skin. However, a body wash can do a lot more. Your skin needs the best attention to remain healthy and smooth. A body wash for men from the right brand is all that you need.

    Once you start using a body wash for men, it will be difficult to go back to using anything else. There are lots of brands that advertise for body wash for men. You can get ones that are energizing with fragrances that you will savor every time you take a shower. Shower gels produce a lot more lather and can give you the fresh feeling you will grow to love.

    Here are few body wash for men must try:

    Molton Brown Black Peppercorn

    This shower gel remains to be one of the best selling ones on Amazon. It is known and cherished for its exciting fragrance and unique appearance. This body wash for men is very effective in removing toxins and even boosting the blood circulation. It is in fact recommended for the fitness freaks. The masculine aroma it brings to the post-workout shower is one that men like most about this body wash.

    Baxter Of California Invigorating Body Wash

    This is one of the most reputable brands that’s been in the business for a long time now. This hydrant body wash for men is great to remove any debris or dirt from the skin. It has an Italian lemon and pomegranate scent that lingers on the skin even long after you take the shower. It also has natural ingredients like jojoba oil, aloe vera, and coconut all of which is great for the skin. It even protects it from the pollutants in the atmosphere.

    Every Man Jack Signature Mint

    Every person has a different body type. Switching to a different body wash based on the weather can be taxing. That’s where this shower gel comes in handy. It is suitable for all skin types and is also environment-friendly. This all-natural shower gel is free of chemicals that can harm the skin. Moreover, it comes in a refreshing lemon-mint scent that nourishes the skin all day long.

    Old Spice Red Zone Swagger

    A good shower gel needs to stay on the skin at least for 8 hours. This urbane body wash for men can do exactly that. You can even go through your entire workout while the scent of this shower gel remains. It produces plenty of lather that nourishes the skin and keeps it healthy. This body wash for men is also affordable so you need not worry about using too much of it.

    Onnit Zen Spice Castile Body Wash

    This is the best body wash men should go for if their primary concern is skin hydration. This shower gel moisturizes the skin with natural ingredients. The effect is long-lasting and free of any side effects. This gel consists of coconut oil that does wonders for the skin. The effect is subtle and will keep you feeling fresh for several hours.

    Axe Black

    If it’s a great fragrance that you are looking for, then Axe Black is the one for you. This shower gel is an extension of the deodorant collection. It gives a rich lather that is very effective. If you have been using Axe deodorant you would know that their products are all high quality. The fragrance is very strong and is bound to get noticed.

    Anthony Invigorating Rush Body Wash

    This body wash has a system that will make you feel energetic. It has eucalyptus extract and birch leaf property that will get absorbed into the skin. It even has avocado and protein that moisturizes the skin. You get vitamin B5 that is healthy for the skin. You can use this for any skin type.

    There are many options for body wash men can go for. Once you try the best ones on the market you can easily find one you like most.

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  • How to select the best orthopedic surgeon for yourself

    One’s decision to undergo any major orthopedic surgery is a vital one and not to be trifled with. The rest of one’s life depends on the outcome of the surgery. So, what are the elements that go in making the outcome of the surgery a desired one?

    The first and foremost thing to check up on is the surgeon who is going to undertake the replacement treatment; thereafter, comes the device that is going to be used, the hospital where the operation is to be conducted, and the trust, rapport and comfort level you have with the surgeon and the support staff. Listed below are the sources from where one can gather data to choose the best orthopedic surgeon for their surgery.

    Information in public domain
    Studies have shown that the more the surgeon does a particular type of surgery, the greater is his success rate. A surgeon who does at least 12 operation a year has good success rates. The best surgeon would, however, be doing far more. The general shift of the public and the atmosphere towards transparency has made this information available in the public domain. This information as well as the profiles of surgeons are available on various web sites that specialize in these matters. Institutions like accreditation agencies, colleges, certification boards, etc. all put the information of public importance on the web, even including statistics and data for negligence and disciplinary action taken, among others.

    People sources of information
    The hunt for any surgeon starts at the primary health provider such as general physicians. He would certainly know who are the leading orthopedic surgeons in the area and the surgeons to whom he refers his more complicated cases. The health workers and pharmacies in the neighborhood are also a virtual gold mine of information. The insurance company is another good source. It has an added advantage in that one would know who are the doctors in their panel. One can also learn about surgeons from anyone in the family, the extended family, friends and one’s acquaintances.

    Surgeon qualifications and certifications
    The surgeon, other than being qualified, should have additional board-certified qualification in his particular specialty. The three boards of certification that one should usually look for are:

    • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
    • American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
    • American Medical Association

    One can also inquire about centers of excellence in the locality. After shortlisting, one can fix up appointments with each surgeon. During the interaction, observe if the surgeon clears all your doubts and the confidence and the rapport you develop with them. Similarly, observe the conduct of the support staff and decide the surgeon and the clinic for your surgery. Location matters in that it should be convenient for you to go for all follow ups.

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