Electric vs. manual wheelchair
Electric vs. manual wheelchair

A wheelchair is literally a chair with wheels, which is used when walking becomes difficult or impossible due to illness, disability or injury. The most common distinction is between electric or manual.

Manual wheelchairs are those that a user must move themselves, without the help of a battery. There are a host of options with ergonomic, and lightweight designs. One can choose from one of the two:

  • Self-propel which the user can propel himself with his limbs or
  • Companion propel which needs a person to push you.

Electric wheelchairs are the ultimate mobility products that run on battery. The power significantly increases the freedom of the users along while adding comfort and reliability.

Some wheelchair users might use a power chair as the main means of mobility while keeping a manual one as a backup. Then there are users who do not regularly use a wheelchair at home but need to use it while traveling, especially if it is long distance or over a difficult terrain. Manual wheelchairs offer portability while electric wheelchairs offer independence. Wheelchair users have to decide between the two, which could be a difficult decision to make.

However, one could make a choice depending on the following considerations:

  • Needs: Need for a wheelchair is determined in two ways – one by a user’s own understanding of his needs and secondly by recommendation of a physiotherapist who can assess the need and determine whether manual or electric wheelchairs would fulfill the requirements.
  • Assembling the wheelchair: Chair that can be taken apart or folded will be easier to load onto a bus or a car, and hence will offer more convenience. If putting it together requires some additional equipment, then also it is a fair compromise for someone who prefers both mobility and portability.
  • Lifestyle: The choice of electric or manual chair depends largely on your lifestyle whether it is the countryside or a city, a house or an apartment. It also depends on the kind of activities that you participate in, how you go there and how often. The strength and ability of your body to maneuver a manual chair is also a very crucial factor to be considered. Then again a power chair requires your vehicle to be fitted with a lift.
  • Location of use: Most developed countries are more likely to have infrastructure that is easily accessible to an electric chair such as lifts on buses, sidewalks with ramped curbs etc. but this may not be the case in developing nations. Charging wheelchair batteries may not be possible in remote rural areas. Heavy electric wheelchairs are useful on a difficult terrain while a manual wheelchair might be easy to lift on high curbs.
  • Repair issue: The wheelchair might get damaged in transit. Consider whether repair is available in the city to which you are traveling and how easy it is.
  • Price factor: Ensure that you go through all the price ranges if you plan to do a lot of touring or riding in a hilly terrain. For every manual device that we have, there is always an electric one which is easier to use and more effective, but also more expensive. Check the pocket factor before deciding.

In order to select the right wheelchair, one should decide and research the category, model, and price that are in tandem with lifestyle and mobility conditions. At present, there are nearly 1.5 to 2.0 million wheelchair users in the US. There are both kinds of chairs available with major technology changes in both electric and manual ones. Electric-powered wheelchair seems to be more popularly progressing, but significant issues remain to be addressed.

  • Budget-Friendly Apparel Accessories For Babies

    Having a budget is really essential to attain financial stability. However, when it comes to your baby’s apparel and accessories, most of the baby apparel and accessories are really cheap and therefore, parents feel that they can buy a lot. However, in the long run all these small costs add up as one can expect a baby to approximately triple its birthweight by the time it reaches one year. There are easy and convenient ways to cut back on the costs of baby’s apparel and accessories. Any of these following tips will help you save chunks:

    Buy used apparel and accessories.

    Just because you are purchasing used apparel and accessories, it doesn’t mean that the stuff will be soiled and torn. Just like one purchases great things from thrift stores, similarly, you can purchase used apparel and accessories for your baby as well. You can contact your local stores as well as websites like thredUP, StorkBrokers, Baby Outfitter, and Rascals. These sites offer tons of well-cared and good quality used baby clothes with a large variety to choose from including well-known brands like Baby Gap, Gymboree, and Carter’s, among others.

    Coupons is the key.

    Consumers are totally in power these days. It is advised that one should never shop without comparing the prices of local dealers and on various websites. Also, never shop without checking sites like Coupon Sherpa and Retail Me for coupons that you can avail while buying baby’s apparel and accessories. Even smartphone apps like Red Laser and Shop Savvy are of great use to find out where there are best deals and sales on baby’s apparel and accessories.

    Create a wishlist of baby’s apparel and accessories.

    Just write a wishlist of baby’s apparel and accessories on your phone or notebook. Even when you use apps and websites where you shop for baby’s clothes and other stuffs, first just save it in your wishlist unless and until it’s a product that is urgently needed, then of course purchase it. Otherwise, when you save the product in your wishlist, evaluate if you really need it. Its it essential and important for your baby. Keep it saved in the wishlist for a week. Later, after a week if you still feel you need it, then purchase it. You may realise that you don’t need most of the products that you saved and that will save you some money.

    Swapping is a great choice.

    Next time when you hang out with your friends and family for brunches and dinners, you might as well consider baby clothes swap. Swapping of not only clothes but baby’s apparel and accessories works the best if the kids are of different ages. In that case, it’s more likely that everyone has something to take home. There are many families and friends who pass on their kids apparel and accessories to the ones having kids that are younger than their kids.

    Rental can be your call too!

    Lets face it, your baby is never going to wear that adorable little Easter dress again even though you spend tons of money on it. With the assumption that you don’t plan to keep some clothes for another child in future, which by the way is a great way to save some cash, renting apparel and accessories would be worth looking for things as your child is never going to use again and it will turn useless in a short span of time. There are many websites that offer apparel and accessories on rent with great variety and lots of style.

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  • Characteristics of a good business system

    A business system is the framework of principles and practices in place within an organization to minimize inefficiencies, improve operations and increase revenues. Since business systems play such a crucial role in the functioning of an organization, it is important to recognize the characteristics of a good one, so that you can get the right one in place for your needs. Listed below are the characteristics of a good business system:

    Having a simple system that is easy to implement and modify is paramount to empowering the organization. A complex system may account for more minute events, but it would also require more time and money in execution and maintenance.

    Next, the business systems of an organization should provide the optimal procedure for the functioning of the people, technology, and strategies. The optimal procedure would be one which presents the organization with a great way of handling the components of the system.

    Just as an organization has a management hierarchy in place, it must also have a hierarchy of accountability associated with the business systems to ensure that there are multiple people involved in each strategy formulation and policy implementation.

    Each business system must also be focused to achieve not only the objectives and goals of the system itself, but it should also contribute towards the business objectives.
    All business system objectives should integrate and form the basis for the achievement of the business objectives.

    Business systems must ensure that the organization’s objectives are customer-centric so that the procedures facilitate increasing revenues and profits. Modern business systems also account for employee-centric objectives to also form part of the procedures. All procedures that are part of the business system should be recorded so that they can be used for analysis, and aid in future decision making. The records will allow the organization to understand real-world implications of the policies and decisions made.

    The evaluation and updating of a business system must form part of it so that the system can fix problems that might occur in the procedures. This will allow the system to function more efficiently with minimal interference, except where required.

    Thus, a good business system should aim to evaluate how successful the business procedures are so that the policy and decision makers in the organization will be able to modify their strategies based on the data. More efficient strategy formulation can play a crucial role in improving the operations of the organization, and by extension the satisfaction of all parties involved.

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  • Creative garden planter ideas

    Planters are a great way to add great interior design to your garden. They come in many shapes and sizes and the big ones look extraordinarily beautiful. The best way to personalize your garden and give your own touch is by using planters in such a way that they reflect you in the garden.

    Plantes make you garden look more beautiful and hence there are many ways you can use them creatively to intensify the beauty. Below are some ideas you can use to make your garden look more pretty.

    Tall cylindrical planters
    Use vertical cylindrical planters made of tin of any other material of your choice and plant giant white bird of paradise (strelirzia nicolai) or wild banana. These plants look gorgeous in tall planters.

    Painting on planters
    Painting your wooden planters or having your kids paint their masterpiece on those planters is definitely going to make your garden look like a creative heaven.

    Planter on wheels
    Add wheels to your planters to make them movable. Since planters are big in size and it is a task to move them, you can always add wheels at the bottom and move them as and when you wish.

    Planters pathway
    Place the many planters on both sides on the path in your garden to enhance the pathway. You can have same planters along the path as it gives an enhanced look to your garden making it look like a professionally designed garden.

    Planter in disguise
    You can refer the internet or use your own creativity and get planters with various shapes such as a planter in the shape of a turtle, or big bird or a monument. Different shapes of planter makes your garden look different than a regular garden and looks ingenious.

    Tree stump planters
    A rooted tree stump can be used as a garden planter. If you find a cut tree stump that is rooted, you can take it off the roots, make it hollow such that it looks like a big ring, place it on the ground and make it a planter. This is another unusual way to make your garden look beautiful.

    Recycle your old storage box
    You can use your old storage box as a planter. The bigger the storage box, the better it will make an impact in your garden. You can also paint the storage box before you use it as a planter. Paint can match the theme of your garden.

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  • Know about the common symptoms of stomach cancer

    Cancer of the stomach, also known as gastric cancer, occurs when healthy cells in the stomach become abnormal and multiply out of control. It is among the top causes for cancer-related deaths in the country. A tumor may be cancerous or benign. If the tumor in the stomach is cancerous, it is malignant and can spread to other parts of the body.

    Early diagnosis of stomach cancer or gastric cancer is possible with careful observation of recurrent symptoms. Most of the symptoms are non-specific and hence ignored by many, thereby causing a delay in diagnosis. Stomach cancer rarely occurs below the age of 40 and is twice more likely to affect men than women.

    In the initial stages of stomach cancer, the following are some of the most commonly occurring symptoms:

    • Discomfort in the stomach
    • Unexplained fatigue and weakness
    • Frequent indigestion and heartburn
    • Loss of appetite; no inclination to eat or drink despite routine lifestyle
    • Bloated feeling in the stomach; feeling that one has too much gas
    • Loss of interest to eat after a few mouthfuls; despite having a healthy appetite, one is unable to eat and feels full
    • Difficulty to swallow
    • Mild vomiting and nausea
    • Recurrent burping

    The above symptoms of stomach cancer can also indicate a stomach ulcer or viral infection and are often mistaken for conditions that can be cured easily. If one experiences any of the abovementioned symptoms, they should get it checked it with the doctor immediately.

    In the advanced stages of stomach cancer, the following can also occur alongside the abovementioned symptoms:

    • Vomiting, sometimes with blood
    • Black stools indicating the presence of blood
    • Pain in the stomach
    • Loss of weight over a period of time without any diet or exercise

    People who have any or combinations of the above symptoms are advised to visit the doctor without any delay. People who are above the age of 55 with persistent heartburn and/or indigestion should also visit their doctor for a consultation and necessary tests.

    The doctor can order an endoscopy or an endoscopic ultrasound. These are the basic tests that can help diagnose this problem. If abnormal cells are found, a tissue sample is taken during the endoscopy and sent for a biopsy. The treatment is then prescribed on the basis of the stage and the health of the patient suffering from stomach cancer.

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  • Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 is your ultimate cleaning assistant

    Snow Joe was launched in 2004 and it opened its foremost outlet in 2017 to offer various garden equipment at factory prices. In a country like ours that faces heavy snowfall, Snow Joe has taken the initiative of developing as well as delivering tools that help in keeping the weather blues away. The products offered by the brand range that are brought on the shelves of the stores only after the technicians have given their approval by certifying them. The Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 is one such item that makes driving away snow from the backyard simple and effortless.

    The company also sells products that have minor scratches or dents but function perfectly from the inside. Similarly, it also purchases items from brands that were ordered in bulk but not put to use. Snow Joe products may be manual, powered by electricity or use a battery for cordless operations. The Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 has been engineered as a powerful device to satisfy all snow cleaning requirements whether it is the light downpour of November or the heavy snowfall of January. The company believes in providing a high level of expertise at reasonable prices so that every individual can manage his house without burdening the pocket.

    The Snow Joe Ultra 621 is an electric device that is as powerful as a gas powered one but more convenient regarding the operation. Its motor features a robust rotor made with four blades and heavy duty steel that is capable of cutting heavy pieces of ice across long distances quickly and easily. It moves the snow at a very high speed clearing massive passageways in a matter of a few hours. Various parts of the Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 can be adjusted according to the width and height of snow to suit varying cleaning demands. It also comes with headlights that make removal of snow at night possible.

    While the gas counterparts cause a lot of pollution, the electric Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 is environment-friendly and comes with the ETL mark ensuring fulfillment of appropriate safety standards. Moreover, the scraper attached facilitates snow cleaning right up to the ground, and its strategic placement at the base makes sure that no harm is caused to the floor surface. The smooth wheels of the Snow Joe Ultra SJ623e have been designed in a manner so that maneuvering through the ice is not a tough task.

    Various other features of the Snow Joe Ultra SJ621 will be explained in detail to you by the salesmen once you visit the store and physically examine the product. This machine is extremely productive and worth the price shelled out at the factory outlet.

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  • Interesting facts about the hot water heaters

    You may have old water heaters in your homes which need replacements. Over time the water heaters may fail to function properly. The warranty period probably finishes after some years. Repair and maintenance may prove more exorbitant if the failures occur frequently. in all such cases it is necessary to buy new water heaters for your homes. Buying hot water heaters should not be a random choice. You must do your homework before buying hot water heaters to get to the best model which is energy efficient and helps you save more.

    The prime factor that must affect your purchase is the energy efficiency. The water heating costs are about 20% of the total energy costs of your home. You must buy hot water heaters under 55 gallons which result in 4% increase in the energy efficiency. The utility bills cut down significantly depending on the technology packed.

    The next thing you must ask is the capacity of the hot water heaters. You must know how much gallons of water they hold. For instance, a family of four may approximately consume about 100 gallons of hot water throughout the day for different chores, therefore, they should buy a heater with a capacity that helps them accomplish their daily needs. Additionally, you must also check the first-hour rating (FHR) and the gallons per minute rating (GPM) for the hot water heaters. These factors can help you know the capacity of hot water which would be delivered by the hot water heater over a definite time period say the first hour.

    Depending on the usage of the hot water, the water could become less hot or get cool after using it for some time. Now the hot water heaters would take some time to reheat the water to the FHR. For this, you can ask the professionals for help to know how much capacity hot water heaters you would need. It is also essential to know the GPM (Gallon per minute rate) of the hot water heaters. The GPM is an estimate of how much hot water would be produced in a specific time interval.

    Ask the professionals where the new hot water heaters must be installed. The latest hot water heaters have increased insulation and efficiency improvements which imply they must be installed at larger heights than your existing hot water heaters.

    Ask for the warranty on the water heaters. High-quality hot water heaters have a warranty for about 10-12 years. Even though you will have to pay extra for extended warranty hot water heater models, you will reap more significant benefits in the long run. You need not pay for the repairs and maintenance of the water heaters time and again. High-grade hot water heaters speed up the water heating process and have thicker insulation which prevents the heat loss. Make sure you buy the hot water heater for long warranty period.

    It is advised to buy hot water heaters which have digital displays. The digital display helps you customise the operations of the hot water heaters. You can monitor the heat control and water levels. You can set the vacation mode in the electric hot water heaters which improve the efficiency when you are away.

    You must take adequate care and maintenance of the hot water heaters to ensure they give maximum performance in the long run.

    You must follow the above instructions if you want to buy hot water heaters. You can even ask the professionals for help. They will help you understand all the installation regulations, tips, and bits of advice. Get the recommendation of the professionals and invest in the best hot water heaters.

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  • Benefits of a freestanding Bathtub

    There is nothing as relaxing as soaking your feet in a tub filled with warm water at the end of a hard, stressful day. Today, bathtubs have become a mainstay in nearly every other household with individuals opting for different sizes, shapes, and styles of tubs to create a unique look for their bathroom. While built-in tubs were in trend earlier, the newer generation of homes seems to prefer freestanding bathtubs, as these have plenty of benefits compared to older models. Here’s more.

    A dose of opulence Freestanding bathtubs lend an aura of luxury to a bathroom. They create a lasting impression and have the ability to transform the entire bathroom instantly. Some tubs can even look like a completely different space altogether.

    Customize as per your liking Freestanding tubs are available in countless styles and can be customized to individual bathroom styles with ease. They can be placed anywhere in the bathroom, which makes it easier for them to adopt different styles. Have a modernistic bathroom? A freestanding tub with angular lines and shiny surfaces will complement the look. Prefer a more vintage look? Opt for a freestanding tub that stands on its own claw foot. No matter what style or design you prefer, there is a freestanding bathtub to suit your requirements to the T.

    Uses space wisely Freestanding bathtubs are a great addition to small bathrooms. Since they rise above the floor, they allow the floor space to continue beneath them, thus, making the bathroom look larger and airier than it actually is. The raised placement also enables the pattern of the floor tiles to continue without any interruption. A built-in bathtub would require at least two walls for installation. However, as the name indicates, a freestanding bathtub does not require any support and thus, can be placed anywhere in the room instead of in a corner.

    Easy to install When compared to built-in bathtubs, freestanding tubs are easier to install. All you need to do is contact a plumber for the fixtures and pipes as opposed to a built-in bathtub that requires a contractor or decorator to see how to fit the tub into the wall with minimal changes or damages to the surrounding walls and fixtures.

    Easy to maintainBuilt-in bathtubs require shower curtains as they usually are used with the shower. A freestanding bathtub, on the other hand, does away with the shower. This eliminates the need for a shower curtain and the need to wipe soap stains from it, as well as the tub on a regular basis. All you need to do is clean the tub with some water and a clean cloth when you want to use it. Many homeowners opt for freestanding bathtubs these days. In addition to looking classy and elegant, freestanding bathtubs are quite convenient as well.

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  • Factors to Consider While Buying New Laptops for Small Businesses

    These days, working from home or operating a business from a remote place has become quite common. If you too are planning the same, it is important for you to get a laptop for yourself. Whether it is a startup business with a handful of staff or just a sole entrepreneurship, you need to get new laptops for conducting the works in a smooth way. When it comes to professional jobs, selecting the appropriate device is necessary as it will play a significant role in determining your success. Therefore, consider all possible factors and make your decision in an intelligent manner.

    Determine a budget – Before checking out the available choices of laptop brands and features, it is important for you to decide the money that you can afford to spend. Narrow down your search as per your budget so that you make your selection faster. Generally, laptops are classified into two different groups as per the budget. While the high-end models are available at a price above $500 and the rest lies in between $400 and $500. Though you can find laptops at a fairly low price of around $200, it is not a worthy buy for professional users, as these do not have all the features needed for your business purpose.

    Portability is important – Once you have narrow down the laptops as per your budget, you need to decide on the portability factor so that you can carry it without any hassles. If you are ready to spend a decent sum of money on your purchase, you can opt for the convertible laptops, as these are the best choice for people, who need to work even on the drive. Black Flip design Lenovo 11.6-inch Touchscreen 2-in-1 Business Laptop can be a good choice for those, who are interested in getting a small screen device. However, if you looking for a high-end model, you can certainly opt for Dell Inspiron 7000 Convertible 2-in-1 Full HD (1920 x 1080) 15.6″ Touchscreen Laptop. This is one of the best choices for business owners, who need to work extensively on their laptops and need multiple features to keep a track of every detail related to their venture.

    Decide the platform for your device – Just purchasing any laptop will not serve your purpose. You need to be careful about the selection of the platform or the operating system. If you are purchasing a MacBook, it is quite obvious that you will have to get MacOS. However, if you are purchasing any other device, you can go for Chrome or Windows operating system as per your choice. Linux is recommended for businesses, which involves a significant amount of graphical works. Compared to the Windows operating system, Chrome is quite inexpensive and you can opt for it if you do not want to spend a fortune on an operating system or its compatible applications.

    Select the specifications carefully – Whether you are purchasing a Chromebook, MacBook or a Dell convertible, it is important for you to select specifications appropriately. Do not run for high-end models if it is not your requirement. Yet, it is always recommended to get a device with Intel Core i5 CPU instead of Core i3. However, for faster performance, you can opt for Intel Core i7. Not just CPU. You should also be careful about the RAM and you should not settle for anything less than 4GB. However, 8GB is always a better choice along with an SSD hard drive. Apart from that, it is also recommended to opt for laptops with 1080p HD display. Last but not the least, you should check for the number of ports available and then make the purchase.

    A large number of companies are now offering new laptops for business users. Buying a business laptop can be a bit expensive and to save some money, you can search for the discounts and deals available online. For attractive deals, you may visit popular websites like Amazon or eBay.

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