Five things you need to know about breast cancer
Five things you need to know about breast cancer

Apart from confirming metastatic breast cancer signs, breast cancer is first recognized when there is a lump, a change in the breast or something abnormal is detected on a mammogram test. It is one of the most common types of cancer seen in women, after skin cancer. The cases of HER2 breast cancer are also on the rise.

Listed below are five things you need to know about breast cancer.

  • It is not only a woman’s syndrome: Breast cancer is not only a woman’s but also a man’s disease as well. It is a quite rare case in men, but it is possible for a man to be diagnosed with it.
  • It may not start with a lump: The most common type of breast cancer develops as a tumor and creates a lump in the breasts. But sometimes it may happen that a lump doesn’t form in the breast.
  • Be aware, it can help to recognize the cancer: Monthly self-examination of the breasts is necessary to check for lumps, swelling, red skin, itchiness, change in nipple or pain. It is the best tool for self-assessing any symptoms of breast cancer.
  • Mammograms are not infallible, but they can be useful: Mammogram test is the only method to pick up the earliest signs of breast cancer that may be developing. It may sometimes give unclear results and might need a second round of checking.
  • Genetic changes not a common cause of breast cancer: If the family carries such genetics, it is necessary to talk to a doctor before considering anything. Genetics is not a necessary condition for this type of cancer.

Break the misconceptions about breast cancer and remember the following:

  • There is no specific age when breast cancer might strike a person.
  • Gender does not protect a person from breast cancer.
  • It is not necessary that a person can’t get it because no one in the family members has it.
  • Eating healthy and exercising doesn’t protect one from breast cancer.

In case any questions about breast cancer or if there is a risk of getting breast cancer, it is essential to a doctor.

  • Common signs of colon cancer

    In a majority of the cases, a colon cancer goes undetected at the earlier stages because the symptoms are not obvious. Patients usually mistake colon cancer symptoms for other minor issues. The patients must consult a doctor if any of the below-mentioned warning signs and symptoms of colon cancer are present for a prolonged period.

    • Abdominal pain – Abdominal pain is a common issue and everyone might have faced it at some point in time. Most of the times, an abdominal pain might not be because of a serious issue. Although the pain might be severe, the reason behind the pain might not be that grave. However, if someone experiences prolonged pain in unfamiliar areas, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctors might provide effective medication to soothe the pain. If further diagnosis is needed, they might even prescribe for a number of tests to gain a better understanding of the situation. Knowing the body and taking a note of the symptoms make things easy to understand.
    • Blood in stool – Blood in stool is something that everyone should consider seriously, irrespective of the cause. It is best to consult a doctor in such a situation so that they can determine the cause, which could be hemorrhoid or something more serious like a colon cancer. Bright red or dark red blood with pain is a common symptom of colon cancer. If one experiences this, they should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will examine and might prescribe for a colonoscopy to check for tumors.
    • Abnormalities in bowel habits – Diarrhea and constipation are some of the common bowel disorders. It could be due to change in food or simple flu. However, if one experiences these for a long period, then it is something serious. If the diarrhea or constipation lasts for more than a week, it’s advisable to consult a doctor. Stool narrower than the normal ones are the symptoms of a colon cancer.

    Colon cancer is the third most common cancer among people in the country and is the second leading reason for cancer deaths. There is awareness among people, however, there is a lack of a proper diagnosis. Early detection is the best to avoid such a severe disease.

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  • Here are the things you can do with Google Home Mini

    The Google Home Mini is an audio-controlled speaker that one can use for many functions namely- playing music, controlling smart home gadgets, and answering trivia questions. This mini speaker can also be used for adding tasks to a to-do list, adding reminders and appointments, and playing videos on a screen that is Chromecast enabled.

    You can welcome the smallest version of Google Home and Google’s famous voice assistant by purchasing a Google Home Mini. If you already have a Google Home Mini, there here are some unusual features you should definitely try out!

    Make it tell you jokes
    Google Assistant is known for its sense of humor. Therefore, apart from using it for the usual things, you can just ask your Google Home Mini to tell you a joke. For this, all you need to do is, say “OK Google, tell me a joke”, then sit back and let it amuse you. Additionally, if you don’t find the jokes funny, you can tell your Mini to simply tell Mini the same and it will change its idea of funny without getting offended.

    Use third-party services
    Both, Google Home and Google Home Mini, let you interact with certain professional services. These services include Netflix, YouTube, Uber, Domino’s Pizza, The Wall Street Journal, and NPR One. To use these services, all you have to do is say that you want to use the service (service’s name) and that’s it, you will be directed to the service instantly.

    Additionally, while the device does not allow you to book flight tickets yet, you can easily look up flight information and add a reminder telling you to book it later!

    Make it remember things for you
    You might have a really sharp memory, but at some point, we all need a little reminder. Google Home Mini makes this job effortless for you. If you have certain tasks that you cannot afford to forget, you can simply ask the device to remember something for you. So, if you cannot remember where you have kept your keys, you can simply tell the Google Home Mini that you have kept it in the front drawer, and it will remind you the next time you ask it.

    Use it to set a timer and event reminder
    You can also use the Google Home Mini to remind you of big and small events. So, if you are cooking a meal and have kept food in the oven, requiring you to wait for 30 minutes, your Google Home Mini will remind you to check the food after exactly 30 minutes. Likewise, you can ask Google Home Mini to remind you of other important events as well.



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  • Sugar-free chewing gum – Ingredients, benefits, and downsides

    Many people switch to sugar-free gum from the regular variety, thinking it has no harmful health effects. Some do so because of ongoing health complications like diabetes. While it is true that chewing sugar-free gum may have specific benefits and could help one improve their overall well-being, it also has significant downsides. Below are a few important things one should know before heading to the store and buying a pack.

    Ingredients in sugar-free gum
    Many brands manufacture sugar-free gum, each using different ingredients to give their product a distinct taste and set it apart. While they do not use sugar, they use substitutes that mimic the taste of sugar. Some of these substitutes are artificial sweeteners, while others are derived from natural sources. Let’s look at a few examples:

    • Xylitol, sorbitol, isomalt, and maltitol are common sugar-free sweeteners derived from fruits, including berries.
    • Aspartame is an artificial sweetener made from two amino acids: phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It is among the most common ingredients in sugar-free chewing gum.
    • Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the stevia plant.

    Besides the above, sugar-free gum may contain chemical and natural ingredients that help provide texture, long-lasting taste, and chewiness. The ingredients usually differ with each brand.

    Benefits of sugar-free gum
    Here are three probable benefits one might enjoy from chewing sugar-free gum instead of the regular type:

    Reduced tooth decay
    Studies show that chewing sugar-free gum for a short while after meals may help reduce tooth decay. This is perhaps because chewing causes the mouth to produce more saliva, which washes away microscopic food particles that remain behind and fuel bacteria. Experts reveal that chewing sugar-free gum may also prevent or reduce plaque formation.

    Stronger tooth enamel and reduced sensitivity
    Since salvia has phosphate and calcium content, it could strengthen tooth enamel. Furthermore, chewing sugar-free gum could help curb teeth sensitivity, which often results from in-office tooth whitening procedures.

    Improved memory
    Studies indicate that chewing gum, including sugar-free varieties, while performing tasks could improve various aspects of brain function, such as memory, alertness, decision-making, and understanding. Experts also suggest those who chew gum for longer may benefit from reduced signs of stress, anxiety, and depression. While the exact cause of these benefits is yet to be determined, studies point toward better blood flow to the brain caused by chewing.

    Besides providing the benefits listed above, sugar-free chewing gum can help avoid conditions like dry mouth (xerostomia). However, one should chew gum as a remedy only if they receive the go-ahead from their healthcare provider.

    Any product consumed in excess may have adverse effects on the body, including sugar-free gum. Chewing it may cause:

    Headaches and allergies
    Sugar-free gum contains aspartame, a highly debated ingredient among experts. While used as an alternative to sugar, aspartame contains a chemical carcinogen that could increase the risk of headaches. Some may develop hives on the body or suffer from gastrointestinal or respiratory issues if allergic to the ingredient. Therefore, one should speak to an expert before chewing sugar-free gum that contains aspartame.

    Gastrointestinal problems
    Some manufacturers use sorbitol in their sugar-free gum. When a person consumes too much of the ingredient, it may lead to gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal cramps, bloating, and gas. Too much sorbitol may also trigger diarrhea in some people.

    Jaw disorders
    Chewing gum all the time, including sugar-free options, could cause the jaw muscles to tighten. As a result, one may experience jaw pain. Chewing gum regularly has also been associated with increased temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ). Those with this disorder may experience chronic symptoms like soreness, discomfort, and headaches.

    Dental device damage
    Chewing gum of any kind may have adverse effects on dental devices. The product could damage implants, which could hamper one’s oral health and also be quite expensive to fix.

    Besides increasing the risk of the problems listed above, sugar-free chewing gum can lead to cancerous developments in the body and an unusual increase in appetite. People with a rare hereditary disorder called phenylketonuria are especially advised to limit their consumption of phenylalanine (a component of aspartame) as their bodies cannot metabolize it.

    Tips to reduce gum-related problems
    Learning about the benefits and downsides of sugar-free gum can help one make better decisions for their well-being. Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of health problems from chewing gum:

    • Speak to a healthcare provider to learn about potential health complications before chewing gum.
    • While sugar-free chewing gum may have benefits like reduced cavities or plaque production, it is not a permanent substitute for basic dental habits. So, continue brushing or flossing after meals.
    • Learn about the ingredients that are bad for health. Then carefully read the label of the sugar-free gum before buying it and ensure it does not have those ingredients.
    • Limit chewing gum to about 15 minutes per day.
    • Though pregnant women can chew sugar-free gum, they should be vigilant and speak to an expert to understand if they are allergic to any ingredient.

    Following these guidelines will help minimize the harmful effects of chewing gum. One should speak to a health expert if they have any questions regarding any ingredient used in the product.

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  • A Comparison of Gas Prices Across Five States

    The price of gas keeps rising, and people are unsure about how to deal with it. Gas is an essential commodity in the country, and some of the states that always have high prices are California, Washington, Alaska, Michigan, Utah, Connecticut, Hawaii, and Oregon. In these states, the gas price almost always hovers around $3.50 per gallon, give or take 10 cents. The reasons behind these soaring gas prices are the government’s policies as well as tensions between the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exchanging Countries) and Russia, who decided to cut their production of oil drastically in this year. Some of the aforementioned states have higher state taxes, and this contributes to high gas prices. Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma have the cheapest gas prices. The rates fluctuate around $2.70 per gallon in these states.

    Following are some of the most expensive states based on our comparison of gas prices.

    • California
      California, which is also known as the Golden State has the highest gas prices as compared to other states. These high prices are primarily because of the state’s environmental standards which mandate that refineries create a special blend of gasoline. This move leads to a rise in prices when one refinery goes offline for maintenance. The state also adds a high tax on gas, and this causes prices to skyrocket.
    • Hawaii
      The cost of shipping gallons of oil to the refineries (there are two of them) make prices soar in this state. The cost of transportation and other overheads make the gas prices more expensive on this island state. At one point, Hawaii was paying the most for fuel, and even today, the gas prices are around $3.7 per gallon, which makes it one of the highest figures in the country.
    • Alaska
      Alaska has the lowest taxes on gas in the entire country, but the problem is that it does not have the refinery capacity to meet the demand of all citizens. The oil-rich state is trapped in a strange situation as it ships oil to refineries on the West coast. They send back refined gas that is quite expensive as per our gas price comparison index.
    • Washington
      Partly due to legislation, notably the Jones Act, and the fact that Washington imports oil from Alaska with high costs of transportation, the prices of gas in this state are very high. Washington also levies the second-highest state taxes on gas.
    • Oregon
      Oregon drivers cannot pump gas by themselves, so they have to pay attendants to do it. In addition to that, Oregon imports gas from Washington and California. Thus, the gas prices are higher in comparison with other states.
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  • Know what factors influence electricity rates

    The electricity rates have been surging since the past decade. However, have you ever wondered what’s the reason behind these skyrocketing energy bills every month? Not one but multiple causes are responsible for influencing the electricity rates. Moreover, these determinants are highly erratic and their effect keeps transitioning across states. Here are the four key factors that decide the electricity rates for your home.

    • Power plants – Each power plant is based in a different location and might have a unique infrastructure which automatically customizes its operating and maintenance costs. Moreover, the transmission and distribution systems that supply electricity also have separate maintenance expenses such as damage repairs caused by extreme weather or accidents.
    • Climate – The demand for electricity is highly driven by the climate of the city or town. For instance, if you reside in an area with scorching temperatures, the need for cooling will be greater. Inevitably, such requirement will boost the demand for electricity as well as its prices. Conversely, areas with rainfall and snow can work with hydropower generation at a low cost. Similarly, if your city or town weathers strong winds, then wind power can be used to generate low-cost electricity.
    • Fuel costs – The fuel costs are so unpredictable that it can even starkly fluctuate on an hourly basis. A high demand for electricity can cause a surge in the need for fuel, such as natural gas. This tends to raise the overall fuel costs, consequently increasing the electricity rates as well.
    • State laws – In a few states, the government is entirely in control of the electricity rates. Whereas in others, both, state-regulated prices (for transmission and distribution) and unregulated prices (for generators) are implemented. The electricity rates will vary based on the regulations laid down by every state.

    As compared to an industrial setting, expensive electricity rates are charged for residential or commercial consumption. This is because it requires more finances for distributing electricity across different locations. Conversely, industrial settings use more electricity at higher voltages which makes it easier to transport and comparatively cheaper.

    In most scenarios, consumers have to pay high electricity rates during the months of summer as there’s an increased demand for energy. Therefore, expensive energy sources might have to be used during this season to gratify the added demand. Currently, states such as Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Utah, and Nebraska offer some of the cheapest electricity rates in the country.

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  • Tips to buy summer and spring jackets

    Most of the guys would love to travel shirt-less or walk cool with T-shirt and wag around in converse sneakers or boxers or even shorts made from cotton. Its advisable to wear comfortable clothing during summers because the weather gets too harsh for the body. If you still want to layer your outfits and at the same time keep the summer heat at bay, then investing in summer or spring lightweight jackets will do no harm. Mostly lookout for summer jackets that are sporty and trendy with warm colors as dark shaded absorb heat. They are fashionable and will double up your style quotient too during summers. Summer and spring jackets have a thin line of difference, i.e., material. These outfits are men’s wardrobe essentials. One can pair them with casuals, formals as well as dressy outfits and look the best. To make the most of your purchase, follow certain tips that will make summer dressing easy-going and convenient.

    Colors play is an essential factor while choosing your clothes during summers and spring. Light colored clothing reflects light whereas dark ones absorb heat. Hence, it is advisable to buy summer jackets in colors like yellow, white, grey, light blue and even orange. Also, these colors help you feel cooler during summers. These colored lightweight jackets can make great combinations of casuals and formal clothing. Another solid color would be blue that is as bright a color that any American can have and the jackets are really cool during summer because it is not black and can’t absorb much heat to the body. Guys usually use have their sleeves tucked up for spring jackets and summer jackets.
    Let us look at certain styles for spring jackets and summer jackets. Pair a spring jacket or summer jackets with a t-shirt, and when it’s too hot, you can remove the lightweight jacket anytime and have the best duo combination like a linen jacket or so. Make sure these jackets are lightweight and not heavy. They are more convenient and comfy than the latter ones. You can try block solid colors like yellow, pink, white, light blue, purple, etc. to let cool off the fantastic combination. Leave the jacket open and stay cool or you can even roll up the sleeves of the jacket with the shirts length inside or the elbow length. Also, dress according to the occasion or the event. Look at the material of the jacket and check if it is worthwhile and economical buying the same. The durability, coolness, weight and water resistance at times do matter if it’s a summer jacket with down jacket look. Avoid over- layered clothes too, they might make you feel hotter than usual.

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  • Samsung phones: Everything that you need to know

    What started as a trading company, is now a world leader in information and technology. Lee Byung-Chul founded the Samsung Company in 1938. Its headquarters are in Samsung town, near Gangnam Station in Seoul, South Korea. Samsung stepped into the electronic sector in the 1960’s. In the year 2000, it delved into the phone arena. By 2012, Samsung had become the king in the phone business.

    Why Samsung?
    Samsung phones offer a wide range to choose from. The latest smartphones come in different varieties. You can choose from both locked and unlocked varieties. Refurbished or used phones are the second category. The third variety is the contract and no contract phone. Wal-Mart, Amazon, and eBay are some of the online stores where you’ll find all these types of phones. Prices for Samsung phones range from $100 to $1000. They have tied up with leading mobile service providers, like AT&T and Verizon Wireless, to offer the customers the best. Straight talk and T-mobile are other variants.

    The Rise
    Samsung offers both wireless and cell phones in the US. The use of Samsung phones has enormously increased in the recent past. In the autumn of 2013, more than 61% people were using Samsung phones in the US. This increased to 64% in 2014. By spring 2016, Samsung phones claimed 69.55 % of the market. The Samsung S series phone is the most popular used version. S6, S7, S8, and S8+ are its variants.

    Ups and Downs
    Controversies surrounded Samsung phones recently. In 2016, a couple of accidents occurred that triggered these controversies. The Samsung Note 7 phone exploded and there were reports of overheating. The US government banned the use of Samsung Note 7 in flights. The devices found on board were confiscated. Samsung took up brisk measures to resolve the issue. They paid customers $100 in exchange for a new phone. Samsung rolled out a software update that rendered the smartphones useless.

    Fighting Back
    Samsung launched its Premium Care service. This was in response to the controversy over Note 7. Samsung promised premium care facility under this initiative. This was a reach out program to Samsung phone users, anywhere on the globe, and Samsung executives reach out to customers to help and follow the principle – we come to you even today. Now, the service is available 24/7 throughout the year. Samsung S8 and S8+ hit the market on April 21st, 2017. Executives promised to provide free premium care service for the first 30 days. Thereafter, the charge is slated to become be 11.99$ a month.

    Samsung phones are still popular. The electronics giant is set to see a surge in sales with the newly launched S8 and S8+ series phones.

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  • Things you should know about financial aid

    In the days when expenses have drastically increased, one need not mention how the college tuition fee is soaring higher than ever. Increasing at a rate of 6 percent per year, it is decreasing opportunities and affordability for students at a much higher rate. In times like these, one should make sure to avail as many opportunities as possible to continue their education and one such opportunity available to most would be the financial aid. However, being careless about the application would take it away just as easily. Hence, it is necessary to make a note of all the things that could be in your favor to get a financial aid and work on them.

    The most basic detail which is paid attention in case of financial aid is the expected family contribution which talks about the amount the student or parent can pay the college fee. This needs to be calculated and if it turns out to be lower than the cost of attendance, applying for a financial aid would be suggested. Apply for the financial aid if your EFC is higher than the cost of attendance but you still feel the need. The college will decide the rest. Various EFC calculators are available online.

    There is no such thing as an income cutoff to qualify for a financial aid. Your expected family contribution is calculated on the basis of your family size, total income, assets, and the number of children attending college. There are good chances your financial aid might be declined even if your EFC is low if the fee and number of children are less and there are equally good chances you might qualify for a financial aid when your EFC is high but there are two kids going to college.

    Know that your information is safe. Also, if you do qualify to receive an aid, do not expect it to cover all the costs. Being prepared for the shortcomings will save you from future debts. Compared to the total funds, scholarships are scarce and hence being realistic when counting on them is necessary.

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