Popular blenders with easily available replacement parts
Popular blenders with easily available replacement parts

There are several brands of blenders with varying features available in the market. Most people find it daunting to select a model. Selecting the right model is often a matter of personal preference and nature of use. Some of us use our blenders multiple times in a day, while others may pick their blender only once every couple of weeks. It is advisable to consider these facts before you buy a blender.

If you are someone who needs a blender regularly, it is a good idea to buy the product with easily available blender parts. This is extremely important since you might find the need to buy blender parts in the years following your replacement blender purchase. Here, we have listed a few brands of blenders, which are the best in the category and also make available replacement of blender parts simple.

Ninja Professional Blender (BL610): This is a reasonably priced product that is also extremely efficient. It comes with three levels and double blades, which can easily be removed for cleaning. As the name suggests, it is a powerful and large machine that comes with a 2-liter plastic jar calibrated in millimeters with cups on the side. The safety mechanism of the unit ensures that it will not work unless the lid is secure. The jar and lid are dishwasher proof and BPA free. What’s more,

Ninja Nutri pro (BL456): This comes with a 900W motor and four Pro stainless-steel sharp blades that can easily crush through frozen fruit and ice or pulverize greens. This unit is perfect for small families. The only problem is that it can be a bit noisy. The unit comes with an ‘auto shut off’ feature and is recommended for use in short bursts. Their blender parts are readily available in the market.

Epica Combo Mixer/Blender: This blender comes with a 250 W motor and 23,000 RPM heavy-duty stainless-steel blades. Epica can safely process food between 4 – 80 degrees; however, the motor is not powerful enough to crush ice cubes.

Blendtec: The Blendtec total blender is one of the most high-powered blenders available today. Manufactured in the USA, it meets national safety standards. It comes with a 1560 W and 3-peak horsepower direct-drive motor. This blender is not only ideal for a big family but also

The Oster Simple Blend: This comes with 700-Watts power and 450 W blending powers. It has 10-speed control buttons and the Stainless Steel 4 point blades, which can pulverize and chop with precision.

Shopping for blenders and blender parts is no more a hassle if you choose any of these brands.

  • FAQ’s on Social Security account answered

    Creating a ‘my Social Security’ account not only helps you plan for your retirement, but it also has numerous practical benefits too. Prime among them are requesting for a Social Security card replacement and checking the status of your application/ appeal. Creating ‘my Social Security’ account is the first step in the process of applying for a Social Security card replacement online.

    In case you’ve lost the card, a replacement may be needed in few instances where you need to show the card. In most cases, as long as you remember the number and quote it correctly, it’s enough. If you feel a replacement card is a must, ssa.gov website has all the pertinent information on procuring one.

    To apply for a replacement card:

    • The first step is getting the necessary documents in order. You are required to provide a document that proves your identity (driver’s license, passport or any state issued ID proof). All documents have to be originals or copies certified by the issuing agency.
    • Fill the application (SS-5) and along with the original documents, send it by mail to your local office.
    • The replacement card is delivered within ten business days.

    Pertinent facts on card replacement:

    • Your Social Security card can be replaced up to 10 times in your lifetime and up to 3 times in a year.
    • These limits do not apply to legal name changes and modifications in immigration status.
    • If you can prove that the card is needed to prevent a significant hardship (victim of domestic violence or identity theft), the limit is not applicable.

    In growing number of states, a replacement request can be placed online as long as you’re not seeking a name change or any other change in your card. It is a safe and convenient process, and the information you enter is protected. Built in features can confirm your identity and detect fraud. Once the account is set up, just follow the simple steps listed to apply for a replacement card.

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  • Sjogren’s Syndrome- Causes and Symptoms

    With the progress in medical science, people are hoping that one day, even the most formidable of the diseases can be cured. When we know what causes that particular disease, only then can an antidote for the same be developed. There are still a plethora of diseases the cause of which is yet to be determined. However, though we are supposed to lead our lives with such long-term diseases, we can definitely take measures to control it.

    Sjogren’s syndrome is one such disorder that the affected person has to learn to coexist with for their lifetime.

    What is Sjogren’s Syndrome?
    Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects an individual when their immune system goes haywire and starts attacking the normal cells in the body instead of the bacteria and viruses that pose as the real threat. It is a lifelong disease, and since there is no proper method to cure Sjogren’s Syndrome completely, people resort to methods to adapt and coexist with the disease. Usually, Sjorgen’s Syndrome accompanies other autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

    What are the causes of Sjogren’s Syndrome?
    Though the causes of Sjogren’s Syndrome remain a mystery, it has been identified that some bacteria or virus is known to trigger this disorder. It disrupts the functioning of the immune system, causing the white blood cells to attack healthy cells especially in the glands that produce saliva and tears. Even though the cause of Sjogren’s Syndrome remains unknown, the symptoms of the same become more prominent unless they are treated.

    What are the symptoms of Sjogren’s Syndrome?

    • As mentioned earlier, Sjogren’s Syndrome causes the immune system to attack healthy cells and glands that produce saliva. As a consequence of the same, the production of saliva is affected. The individual suffering from Sjogren’s Syndrome experiences dryness in the mouth. The mouth has a chalky feeling, and he may experience trouble chewing and swallowing food. Also, the dryness of the mouth results in yeast infections.
    • Sjorgen’s Syndrome also affects the glands that produce tears. This will leave the eyes dry. Dry eyes are more prone to burning and itching sensation. Unless this condition is treated with eye drops and other medications, it will affect the person’s cornea. If left untreated for quite some time, it can have an adverse impact on one’s vision.
    • The effect of Sjogren’s Syndrome isn’t limited to the mouth and eyes; it can affect other parts of the body such as throat, skin, lips or nose. Also, since the immune system wages war against the glands in the body, there are chances that the glands in the face and neck might swell up.
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  • Things you need to know about a German shepherd puppy

    German Shepherd puppies are no doubt irresistibly cute. However, you must never bring a pet into your home out of impulse. Bringing up a puppy requires commitment and care and is as good as bringing up a child. If a German Shepherd is what you want, here are a few things you must know.

    German Shepherds are a medium to large-sized breed which are famous as working dogs. They are intelligent and obedient.

    It roughly costs three thousand dollars a year to feed, groom and care for a German Shepherd.

    German shepherds are not friendly with everyone they meet. They are usually ‘one person’ or ‘one family’ dogs. They are always suspicious about new faces. Sometimes they choose any one person in the family to be with. This can be saddening for others but it’s their nature.

    They have a tendency to bite. Hence, German Shepherds are not always safe around children as they can become the unwanted victims. You must teach your puppy that biting is not a good habit. You can provide it with chewy toys to get rid of the habit.

    If you are uncomfortable with someone following you all the time, then German Shepherd are not a good option. They will follow you every time and everywhere, even to the bathroom. They like to track your business. It will also cut down the cost of security of your house. They are pretty good in their job!

    You must like to have hair everywhere or you will not be able to keep a German shepherd. They have a double coat which means they shed twice as much as the other puppies. You will find hair on your clothes, bed, floor and everywhere. They are rightly called ‘German shedders’.

    German Shepherds are rough players. They are not soft mouthed like retrievers or playful like smaller breeds. You may sometimes think that they are trying to kill other puppies while they’re just playing. Try to supervise your pet with other dogs and give it enough breaks between the play. Too much intense playing may cause harm.

    You should train your puppy to be quiet when needed. They like to be vocal and this is a difficult habit to curb.

    They are susceptible to many kinds diseases such as digestive disorders, skin ailments and allergies. You must be prepared for this and should be in touch with a good vet. You must take preventive measures to keep your pet healthy.

    German Shepherd should be kept engaged at all times. They are extremely active and high on energy. They are apt contenders for training in canine sports and activities.

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  • Tips for first time home buyers

    We understand the adrenaline rush that hits your young blood, as you finalise the first home of yours. The next step is to look for the right home loan for yourself! With an ocean of information around you, there is no denying that this is a daunting task. However, to help you start with the whole process, here are quick tips to assist you in the way before you finalise your home loan.

    Size of the house
    Now, why are we even talking about size of the house in home loan? This is because, if you end up buying a home much larger than what you need, you will end up taking another loan probably ten years down the line, while you are still paying your home loan. That’s two fat numbers! To simply put across – don’t take up something that you cannot afford.

    Budgets and credit score
    While Banks and other private lenders exist to provide you with the money, it is pretty obvious that they sustain their business because of you. It is always best to go for the most economical option when it comes to buying a house. You might like a house, but it may not fit your budget. There is no point in buying something beyond your budget, and you compromise on payment of other bills, which in turn reduce your credit score, and you know what happens next! A chain reaction of a wrong kind.

    Second opinions
    Before approaching lenders for raising home loan, get a friend or someone from your family that you trust the most and get their opinion about the house you are about to buy. Engaging a professional help is also a good idea, considering the money at stake is huge. There could always be something that you might have missed, which someone else could point out. Inspect and double check on every aspect. Remember a wrong purchase would mean that you cannot even sell that house. You will not just be stuck with that house but with a hefty loan and mostly ‘no home’ to live.

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  • What you need to do after the tax season

    All the taxpayers may feel relaxed after the tedious task of filing and submitting the tax papers thinking that you need not worry about tit for a next few months. On the contradictory, it is the perfect time to start planning and preparing for the upcoming tax return. Initial planning is the best way to lower the tax bills. It does not mean that you have to get working on it but at the same time, you won’t neglect these few things that you can do right now to save some more money in your wallet.

    Engage in company’s retirement program
    Ensure that you take a positive control of your company’s retirement plan. More often you might receive matching contributions by your manager up to a certain amount which is primarily free money. If you ever thick that being a part of your company’s retirement plan would let you contribute more, your ultimate goal should be to increase the money you can pay into retirement. Suppose if you get a raise in income this year, make a decision to live off with the same monthly income and invest the additional funds to increase retirement contributions.

    Adjust with withholdings

    If you end up paying large tax or huge tax refund signifies that it is time to adjust your withholdings. Most of the financial advisors suggest not to overpay your taxes which in hand provides the government with a free loan. Yet it can serve as a compulsory savings rule by which the round-up amount that you receive at the end of every year can be invested or saved. It is probably insignificant to calculate the amount that you have been saving within a limited time frame of 12 months and the money you may not have saved at all.

    Medicare saving is a clever choice

    Medicare savings accounts are a highly deductible savings account that allows you to pay for eligible medical expenses with tax-free dollars. You can max out what you put into it at $6,750 for a family. If this saving tool is suitable for your situation the health savings accounts can offer enormous tax advantages that you can easily take an upper hand of. These savings tools provide triple tax advantages: Money goes in tax-free, money grows tax-free and money used toward eligible medical expenses is never taxed.

    Make charitable contributions

    If you are an employee who often makes charitable contributions (church, orphanage, alma mater, politics and social benefits) there is a high scope for tax deductions. This could be one of the ways the government shows generosity to their taxpayers. Before the end of this year is the right time to distribute some funds and plan for gifts and donations you want to make for the year. Plan your giving, ahead of time and make it beneficial and meaningful for the person receiving it. This way you could gain more intrinsic value than the monetary tax advantages of giving.

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  • Wall Ovens Can Make Your Kitchen a Better Place

    Purchased your dream home and now you are planning the kitchen decoration! The kitchen is not just the section dedicated for culinary activities, it is actually an integral part of the home and has a significant role to play on its aesthetics. Therefore, you should plan the decoration of your kitchen in an intelligent manner. When it is about your dream home, you should neither compromise with the functionality nor should you make any adjustment with the beauty of the area.

    The appliance and utensils you select has to be a reflection of your style sense. While making an appliance selection for your kitchen, you cannot ignore ovens as it is necessary for cooking meals. Yet, if you do not want to add some modernity into it, you can go for wall ovens. These ovens have gained immense popularity among the modern homeowners and you can check out the features.

    Key Technological Features of  a Wall Oven

    • Hides the Baking Elements
      Designed for modern kitchen units, these ovens cover up the baking elements inside its floor, giving a much sleek and elegant look to the appliance.
    • Conversion to Convection Done Automatically
      These ovens come with automatic conversion facility. That means you will not have to get the convection done separately. Just set the temperature and time for preparing the recipes, to get it done.
    • True Convection
      When you are purchasing a wall oven, you should opt for the ones with true convection feature as these ovens come with a fan and burners designed like a bow-tie. These ovens are preferred over the others because it offers even cooking and heating to the dish.
    • Set Start Time
      Purchasing an oven with delayed start feature can be extremely helpful for homeowners. These ovens allow setting a start time for cooking the dish and you can keep the ingredients ready to prepare the dish at your desired time.
    • Dish Warming Feature
      Ovens with warming feature maintains the serving temperature for dishes even when the recipe has been prepared hours back.

    Physical Features and Conveniences
    Getting the right technology is important but it is not enough when it comes to designing the perfect kitchen. You need to check out for the conveniences or physical features as well.

    • Broilers
      Most ovens come with the broiler for direct heating of the dishes prepared in the oven. This is generally done in a special compartment and does not involve any direct flame cooking.
    • Warming Drawers
      Getting these types of ovens can be an excellent choice if you prepare multiple delicacies at home. Keep the prepared dish inside the warming drawers while cooking some other recipe in the oven. Serve both of them warm without reheating.
    • Larger Windows for Viewing
      Ovens come with different window sizes and it is always better to go for the ones with the larger size as it allows to observe the dishes while it is being cooked.
    • Control Lockout
      With this setting, you can temporarily immobilize the controls of your oven and cooktop. This is a great convenience for the first time users as they at times make mistake in pressing the pads and activating different controls. However, with this feature, the controls will not get activated even if the pads are touched accidentally.
    • Self-cleaning
      When it comes to the features to make the device convenient for users, you cannot ignore the self-cleaning facility. With this feature, you can clean the interior of your oven with just a button. Activate the auto-cleaning feature and it will burn the spills without the need of scrubbing.

    Wall ovens are now available in different reputed stores, including Amazon. Depending on your budget and preference, you can opt for Kenmore 73433 4.2 cu. ft. Freestanding Gas Range in Stainless Steel or Kenmore Elite 75353 5.5 cu. ft. Self Clean Dual Fuel Range in Stainless Steel. Frigidaire FGEW3065PF – Gallery 30″ Stainless Steel Electric Single Wall Oven – Convection has also gained immense popularity and you can check it out.

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  • Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD

    Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) refers to symptoms like impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. ADD symptoms can affect both children and adults. However, the symptoms start to show in the early childhood. About five million children from 3 to 13 years of age suffer from this condition in the US.

    ADD has many symptoms and it differs from child to child. Symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the physiology and the environment of the child. To diagnose a child with ADD, he or she must show at least six of the following symptoms.
    Gets distracted easily
    Often forgets things
    Has trouble following instructions
    Cannot concentrate on and finish tasks like chores and homework
    Blurts inappropriate comments
    Finds it hard to control their emotions
    Often loses school supplies, toys, and books
    Fidgets and squirms constantly
    Talks excessively

    There are no specific tests that can diagnose ADHD in children. The pediatrician always asks you about the symptoms and gathers some information about the same from you and your child’s teachers or caregivers. The child must be showing these symptoms for at least 6 months on regular basis for the doctor to determine ADHD using the standard guidelines provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Types of ADHD:
    ADHD can be broadly classified into 3 types.
    Combined type: In this type of ADHD, the children are hyperactive, inattentive and impulsive. This is the most common type of ADHD.
    Hyperactive type: In this type of ADHD, children are attentive, but are hyperactive and also impulsive.
    Inattentive type: This was earlier known as ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder. Children with ADD are not hyperactive. They usually do not disturb the class and hence their symptoms go unnoticed.

    The treatment for ADD and ADHD differs for every child because their symptoms also differ. The medications are given to manage the symptoms. The doctor decides what medication and counseling work for your child. A child’s parents and teachers play a crucial role in managing his or her symptoms. Medication controls the symptoms and helps to tackle the problems caused by the symptoms like losing things, getting distracted and being hyperactive. Medications stimulate your child’s brain and help to think straight.

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT):
    You doctor will prescribe CBT to help the child manage the symptoms. This therapy teaches:
    How to manage time
    How to control emotions
    How to handle stress
    How to avoid taking risks
    As time progresses, symptoms change. Accordingly, your counselor and the doctor will change the treatment and counseling.

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  • Things You Never Knew About The Leading Appliance Stores

    The role of the appliance cannot be overlooked, and with this, the role of stores that offer appliances with cutting-edge technology needs to be revisited. In the 21st Century, there is the huge emergence of online and offline stores that sell millions of appliances under one domain or roof. Thus, there is no doubt that the American market has been experiencing a huge profit due to this launch of products.

    BrandsMart USA

    It is one of the leading offline and online appliance stores in the American market that has made a solid place among the high competition. The leading store focuses on serving the best appliance and consumer electronics to people by becoming one of the largest appliance stores in the country. The organization has nine retail stores in Atlanta and South Florida, but wishes further to make prominent steps in other regional markets along with the global market.

    Apart from providing a wide collection of electronic devices, the clearance sale is one of the main attractions of this retailer that make people stop by its appliance stores at least once. With over 500 brands and 50,000 products of different categories, the store provides home delivery facility anywhere in the country. Moreover, the retailer is responsible for over 2,500 people from Georgia in every year.

    The presence of Walmart in the virtual world and the real world has a huge impact on the public as Walmart is recognized to be one of the leading retailers in the country. The online store of Walmart resembles the same products and friendly service that is found in the offline store. The online store appeared on the internet in the year 2000, much later than the emergence of the physical store in the market.

    Walmart emphasizes the fact that the appliances can only make a person’s home a living place. Hence, this appliance store focuses on providing a large collection of toasters, refrigerators, washers and dryers, vacuum cleaners and microwaves. Additionally, the store makes consumers aware of the fact that they should only buy air conditioners when the Energy Star logo is attached to it.

    US Appliance

    Another leading appliance stores in the US market that promises to provide an impeccable service and unbelievable collection of home and consumer appliances. Certified by leading electronic organizations, the retailer has a friendly customer service that is available 24×7.

    The store solely focuses on selling products on the lowest available and as a customer; you will be surprised to know how much savings you can do by choosing to buy products from here. You can shop for $999 or more to avail the free shipping all over the country. Additionally, the expert advice coming from this retail can help anyone out who is torn between to choose the ideal appliance for his/her kitchen.

    Abt Electronics

    Established in the year of 1936, this appliance store is a family owned business that achieves its first success in the suburb of Chicago. The retail organization has become one of the authorized online retailers who have won several awards for providing an outstanding service over the course of time. The customer service of the organization has brought fame to it as people can mail or chat to get information on the products or to gather knowledge on when their product is going to be shipped.

    The products are shipped all over the country but the customers should go through the shipping policy to know on what grounds the offer of free shipping is available. The easy and flexible return and exchange policy can cater to every customer’s changing buying behavior. Moreover, the privacy policy ensures that the consumers are provided with a secure shopping experience and the organization does not share any personal or bank details with any third-party.

    Apart from these leading retailers, there is Amazon that has spread its service all over the globe making a solid position for itself in the global market. The offers and discounts are the reason people tend to go online and buy the products that fulfill their demands.

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